Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for July 03, 2011

  1. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 13 years ago

    Salutations Everyone!As always an Amazing Sunday strip.BB Eyes and the Original CrimeStoppers Staton style.It’s been said before, but, Great Job Team Tracy!!!

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    mikatt1  almost 13 years ago

    Don’t kill him this time! and while your at it Please bring back Flat top ! I am so glad you have brought back class to this strip!

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    Det.DanDone  almost 13 years ago

    I don’t know that man. But, I did see him selling balloons in the park.

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    Bill Thompson  almost 13 years ago

    Does this mean the Pouch works for BB Eyes?

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    BruceQuast  almost 13 years ago

    This strip just keeps getting better and better!

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  6. L of death note
    Aaron Mimura  almost 13 years ago

    Mr. Staton’s art continues to impress. A great Sunday, and a great Wanted poster, and a great Crimestopper segment too! Very cool!


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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    Excellent work all around—artists, writers, [fictional] detectives! Tracy is as puzzled by the apparently revenant B.B. Eyes as we are, and as he learns what’s up, so will we. Forward!

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  8. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 13 years ago

    Good work!

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  9. Tennant
    doctor075  almost 13 years ago

    B.B. Eyes does look like Bill O’Reily! LOL!

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  10. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 13 years ago

    Was Junior always this smart? He eclipses the others!

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    Can't Sleep  almost 13 years ago

    Dick Tracy is my ‘read first’ every day, and today didn’t disappoint!

    The art is terrific (love the shading), and we have a mystery within the main story, with yet another classic villain!

    I have to wonder if that poster of the Pouch is a foreshadow of things to come in the next story.

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    APersonOfInterest  almost 13 years ago

    Is BB’s face scared? In yesterday’s strip he also had those marks across his right eye.

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    Paul1963  almost 13 years ago

    @APersonOfInterest: Yes, BB Eyes has scars on the right side of his face. He got them toward the end of his original story arc. I have it reprinted somewhere (either in “The Celebrated Cases of Dick Tracy” or one of the paperbacks from the ‘70s), but it’s not readily at hand at the moment so I can’t dig up the precise details.

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    Paul1963  almost 13 years ago

    Or I could be combining details of two different stories. My recollection is that BB Eyes did have those marks on his face in his original storyline, but I can’t recall off the top of my head if he always had them or got them during the story.

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  15. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    Amen to that!

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    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    Remeber ‘Simon Penn’, the commenter who used to make smarmy comments on how wonderful Locher’s ‘Dick Tracy’ was? I wonder where he is, now that DT actually IS wonderful?

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    billdi Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    the original bb has the same scars

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    thejensens  almost 13 years ago

    I like how this story is going. First we had the shaking down of the movie production which has since led to a dvd bootlegger who sells copies of movies that haven’t been released to the theatres including “The Scalet Sting” , which started this whole story.

    I hope to see more unexpected twist and turns in this story.

    I always like the writing of Seinfeld – the four main characters had their story in the half hour show but by the time the 30 minutes was up, each of their stories affected each other’s story in one way or another.

    Plus, where is our famous “Vista Bill” today????You can’t keep your public waiting.

    Bill, I had a movie too but it is part of that “Slow Moving Product” that BB Eyes was talking about. LOL!!!

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    mumbles  almost 13 years ago

    This should be another short story, since BB Eyes has been dean for around 67 years, he will probably have trouble running. Can you say re-tread children???

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    Ed Brault Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Remember in comic strips and soap operas: Body not found=NOT Dead!

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  21. Sweet taffy
    Quabaculta  almost 13 years ago

    I know I’m not the world’s largest Dick Tracy fan, I remember reading it in the Brownsville Herald. But I think the gentleman on the wanted poster is Prune Face, not the Pouch.

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    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 13 years ago

    DT gets better every day!

    Good afternoon all…**

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    Ken in Ohio  almost 13 years ago

    @safeway674:Yes, it is a classic DT element to have one story arc “blend” into the next one. In the early sixties, there was a shoot-out at an old mansion, then when those crooks were captured, Jr. was asked to depict the scene in drawings, and while he was there, we found that his long lost birth mother, Mary Steele was living there. She was killed, and by the time that mystery was solved, Tracy had used the new science of ear identification. Then a person showed up at HQ to ask Tracy for a donation to a “charity” trying to stop the deformities from nuclear fall-out, claiming ear shapes would no longer be reliable as a means of identification. After capturing the mastermind behind that scheme, there was a big search for a missing bag of money from the scam . This took a whole year (from 8-61 thru 8-62) . I learned recently that this device is called a “segue”. My friends and I back in jr. high school thought this was really cool!

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    muliphen  almost 13 years ago

    BB Eyes was introduced to DT comics on Feb. 3, 1942. He died April 18, 1942.BB Eyes has a brother, BD Eyes {beady eyes} in 1983. Could this be a picture of BD Eyes, today?

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    Ken in Ohio  almost 13 years ago

    Look at the expression on the face of BB’s office manager in panel 3. Does it look as if she suspects that something is up with “Jackie Steele”? Back in the original tire bootleg story, BB actually had a fingerprint system set up in his back room, so that when Tracy sent a cop in undercover, BB Eyes caught him. I hope Jr. doesn’t leave his fingerprints on that DVD list, or we may be headed for trouble!

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    muliphen  almost 13 years ago

    To Ken, in Ohio: A very good point, Ken

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    ReneTray  almost 13 years ago

    Same here.

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    doctor075  almost 13 years ago

    Great as always! Thanks for making feel like kids again! :>)How about bringing back the Mole as a traffiker in Illegals! or 88 Keys in music piracy?I look foward to this strip every day! Thanks!

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    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    One would think…

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    jonahhex1  almost 13 years ago

    Those scars had me thinking this was a descendent of The Brow….I would have never guessed it was BB Eyes

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    jonahhex1  almost 13 years ago

    I’m betting it is a descendent of B.D. Eyes or Jaques

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    mzkdad  almost 13 years ago

    “Beezer Bear?” Did a quick google, found nothing. Any of you expert fans know anything?

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    Maximara  almost 13 years ago

    If that is BB Eyes he has gotten careless compared to his tire bootlegger days. Back then BB Eyes took the trouble of getting fingerprints off of the invoices he let potential customers handle so he could know for sure who he was dealing with.

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