Michael Ramirez for June 09, 2011

  1. Prr
    Loco80  almost 13 years ago

    Gee, can I do that with my credit cards and not have to worry about it? I can’t help thinking that one day, the world-wide “Monopoly” game will end. China will hold all the property cards, but what happens then? Nobody can repay their debts, so we all say start a new game. Except China. They cannot “occupy” the whole world. Every nation on earth reneges on their debts. What happens then?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Appropriate— BP, Exxon/Mobil and the other companies NOT paying any royalties on U.S. oil from the Gulf- ripping Americans off, one lease at a time.

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  3. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    dtroutma, I hate to tell you this, but you are falling for one of the biggest lies ever. When you tax a corporation, charge them royalties or whatever, who really pays for it? we do. See, Congress can tell us that they are sticking it to the big rich corporations, but all they do is pass it on to us, the consumer…it is an evil trick that our “leadership” keeps pulling.

    The reality is, OUR debt will keep climbing until WE realize that we need to quit spending money on items that give us nothing in return.

    Maybe we should export our prisoners to China; I’m sure they can run prisons cheaper.

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  4. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    Ever since FDR, the Democrats have been buying votes with ever increasing government largess for ever increasing number of American classes. Yes, the Republicans have at times participated in the sport as well, as they had to compete for the voters. The game is over – there shall be no more $$$ for such voter bribery, and we shall start getting the existing programs under control.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Sr-moron: The oil in the US portion of the Gulf belongs to the TAXPAYERS! Oil companies NOT paying royalties is giving them TRILLIONS of “rent free” access to what belongs to all of us. Last night my local Fox station pointed out Exxon/Mobil hit their highest producing “post moratorium” well yesterday- for which they will pay no royalty(not mentioned by Fux News). (Fee exemption due to a suit they wrote for themselves with “faulty” lease data they provided.)

    Yes, it could be said we’d pay down the road for their paying their fair share at the well head, but do you buy wood harvested on National Forests? Do you use minerals dug for FREE from federal lands, like gold, silver, uranium, or the byproducts of their removal from Federal lands— YOUR lands! Lands your getting NO BENEFITS from the destruction thereof??

    “Conservative” should in no way imply “conservation” and anyone thinking oil companies paying part of their PROFITS to offset taxes taken directly from the “rest of us” is a complete idiot ! (IQ under 25, not just a moron = 25-50 on Stanford Binet)

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  6. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    Hey Trout, I capitalized the “NON” so people like you don’t skip over it. I understand that liberal=moron…so next time you can call me Sr-Non moron; I’m sure it was an honest mistake. Second, do you really think that we can pay off our budget mess by charging the oil companies royalties? Wow, if YOU think I’m a moron, I will take it as a compliment. If you are so mad at the Oil companies, stop using oil. Of course you’d be living in the dark, walking around naked and eating food you grow in your yard (but probably pumping the water by hand). But hey, you’d be a purest…unless you make sure that you only use the oil drilled from Mexican and Canadian wells, for which I am sure you think they should pay the United States royalties for. But where you and I DO AGREE is this; no-one should get free hand-outs from the Government. I’m glad you are an advocate for federal lands. We have to keep in mind that if we don’t fix our budget mess soon, those lands will belong to our debtors, China & Japan to name just two. And get with the times; idiot is the old Stanford-Binet classification. We now use different levels of retardation. Look it up. However, you must not feel very confident in arguing the facts since you went straight to name-calling

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