Ted Rall for September 06, 2008

  1. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    After IT’S born ??

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  2. Missing large
    dhleaky  almost 16 years ago

    Go to SNOPES.COM AND LOOK AT WHAT A REAL PLAYER, Palin, CAN DO. Makes you proud to be Republican.

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  3. Bush eating kitten
    Impeach_Bush  almost 16 years ago

    The Republicans called Lynn Spears an awful absentee parent when Jamie Spears announced her teen pregnancy.

    When Sarah Palin announces her daughter’s teen pregnancy, the Republicans call it a private matter that is nobody’s business but the family’s.

    Did someone already mention hypocrisy?

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    joylederman  almost 16 years ago

    17-yr-old unmarried mama’s…them’s family values. Let’s hear it for “Abstinence Only Sex Ed”!!! Woo-Hoo!

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  5. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “The Republicans called Lynn Spears an awful absentee parent when Jamie Spears announced her teen pregnancy.”

    Which Republicans? Name them.

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  6. Zen
    turdraker  almost 16 years ago

    Uninformed Bob, Start with Bill-O the Clown O’Lielly. Add Rush Limbo. http://www.ajc.com/printedition/content/printedition/2008/09/03/tucked.html Pinhead!

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  7. Yeah
    DndrMffln0808  almost 16 years ago

    Dear Leftist Nut turdraker, There is no need to insult someone when vaguely attempting to prove your point. Finding an article that comes from a left-wing news source does not give validation to the outrageous accusation of hypocrisy. The only reason liberals like you are upset is because a strong Republican woman has come into the spotlight to soak it all up from Karl Marx, I mean Che Guevara, I mean Castro…oh dang it! I mean obama. I keep molding those guys all together! Take note on September 26th so you can watch your savior get slaughtered through the art of debate. Oh, and by the way “Bill-O the Clown O’Lielly” got your empty suit of a politician to admit he was wrong on several occasions in their interview Thursday. Obama crumbled like brittle pork rinds that have been sitting out in the sun all day during a soul food celebration.

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  8. Zen
    turdraker  almost 16 years ago

    Dear Friend MNFKDZWCS*%DSKJ69, Nothing makes me laugh harder than an attempted refutation that only PROVES my point. After insulting me, you wave me off any further insulting. After accusing me of vagueness, you proceed to wander, including in no particular order, conflating Obama with Marxists (he’s gotten more love from the Wall Street boyz than McW!), dismissing any source of corrective information as left-wing (an Atlanta paper?), claiming without even one example that Bill-O exposed Obama’s supposed wrong-headedness, and finishing with a weak stab at a racial slur. Thanks also for bringing up hypocrisy without me having to mention it first. Half the people in the Republican party only seem to belong because membership works like a get out of jail free card.

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  9. Bush eating kitten
    Impeach_Bush  almost 16 years ago

    “brittle pork rinds that have been sitting out in the sun all day during a soul food celebration.”

    For the right wingnuts, a day without racism is like a day without their morning orange juice! Where’s Anita Bryant when you need her?

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  10. Yeah
    DndrMffln0808  almost 16 years ago

    turdraker and impeachbush;

    Nice to know that you guys immediately call my comment about “Soul Food” racist. You have been hiding behind that sentiment for your candidate since the moment people have been thoroughly picking him apart. He’s an empty suit and it’s got nothing to do with his skin color. I just figured I would mention “soul food” because that already relates to a gathering he no doubt has been part of.

    The relation to your buddies I confused fauxbama with is because he’s a BIG fan of socialized heath care. You may not have heard of that and the dangers it entails because he was speaking too loudly him receding the waters. Bye bye disposable income, hello communism!

    The interview with O’Reilly, if you would turn off your NPR radio and watch TV, you would see that O’Reilly got fauxbama on TV and he said siad that the surge didn’t work and he was against it. After about 2 1/2 of tough questions, fauxbama stuttered, wiped the nervous sweat from his brow and then admitted that the Iraq surge worked. Hey, I say keep that guy under the lights of scrutiny and he’ll shrivel into the inglorious corrupt Chicago politician he really is.

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  11. Zen
    turdraker  almost 16 years ago

    Mghslldke&)((*h, 1) Even after dismissing our accusation of racism, you can’t help stepping in it again. “I just figured” all blacks eat soul food as is silly as saying Tiger Woods hangs out at country clubs because he’s part white. 2) If by socialized health care you mean universal HC, this is something every citizen of an industrial western democracy is already entitled to, EXCEPT the USA. Go ask any 10 Canadians if they would trade their system for ours, and watch their reaction. Half of GM’s assembly didn’t move there because they know how to operate a drill press better. 3) As your command of the language and keyboard (too loudly him receding the waters? said siad? 2 1/2 of tough?) is as good as your command of facts, maybe a link to this segment would be helpful, as I’m skeptical of any interpretation by people who believe NPR and Atlanta newspapers are Marxist propagandists. Sad to say, Obama wishes to sell national security cred as being able to fix the Cheney administration’s monumental strategic blunders, and the surge is now hopelessly mixed in with all that. Bottom line: the surge was only a small part of the downturn of violence in Iraq, and the tactic of looking the other way as Baghdad was ethnically cleansed of Sunnis is the biggest part of that “success”. 2.5 million refugees, the 10% of Iraq’s populace who aren’t returning home anytime soon, would love to tell you all about it.

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  12. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    Hey turdraker neither Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh are in the GOP. They are pundits. Big difference. So again name me one Republican that said those things.

    Who’s the uniformed one again?

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  13. Zen
    turdraker  almost 16 years ago

    I get it! The Republican party is so exclusive, you have to be in power to be considered a member! So you’re not a Republican either? How un-self-informed. Guess all my other points stand without dispute then. “In certain Diluvian elephants that were the terminal members of dying collateral lines, the tusks reached enormous lengths, completely out of proportion to the skull and body, clearly exceeding by far the optimal size relationship. Furthermore, since in the mammoth these teeth curved sharply upward and in the the American Elephas columbi begin to spiral backward and inward, they could no longer serve their orginal purpose … They had become a heavy burden, an impediment, for these animals.”

    Otto H. Schindewolf Basic Questions in Paleontology 1950

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  14. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “So you’re not a Republican either? How un-self-informed.”

    Well as a registered Independent I would have to say no, no I am not a Republican. I happen to be voting Republican this year, yes, but I usually vote Libertarian…if you must know. I vote for whichever party is closest to my personal conservative beliefs and it since this election is going to be a deadheat I’m going to have to go with the Republicans this time around. Only a foolish person would assume a conservative is automatically a Republican just like it would be foolish to say every Liberal is a Democrat. Again, I stress my point that just because O’Reilly and the other right leaning pundits lean right that does not make them part of the GOP. Is Olbermann part of the Democratic Party? No of course not, he just favors them so you were wrong in saying that the Republicans derided Lynn Spears when it was their followers that did so. Much like it not being Obama that’s running that laughably bad smear job on Palin but his followers.

    Also, I had not read any of your “points” since they were directed at someone else but I will do so now. 1.) I won’t get into racism arguments between you and another person. Especially if I’m not the one saying them so that’s not a point that I will address because I think being a racist is quite possibly the most unintelligent thing one could be.

    2.)”universal HC, this is something every citizen of an industrial western democracy is already entitled to”

    The U.S. also doesn’t have the incredible income tax percentages that the rest of the West has because of their lack of Universal Health care. How would raising taxes get us out the recession that the left so vehemently claims were are going through?

    3.) I hadn’t realized someone else’s spelling and grammar was a “point”

    4.)”the surge was only a small part of the downturn of violence in Iraq, and the tactic of looking the other way as Baghdad was ethnically cleansed of Sunnis is the biggest part of that “success”.”

    The surge has absolutely not been “only a small part of the downturn of the violence” in Iraq. The surge is directly responsible for the handover of the most violent part of Iraq (Al-anbar) over to the Iraqi government. Now that the most violent region in the country is completely secure watch how those refugee numbers decrease (since it just happened earlier this month) And if you don’t want to take my word for it how about this: Barack Obama (one of the most vocal opponents of the surge) admitted himself when he said on the O’Reilly Factor “it (the surge) succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.” Something working “beyond our wildest dreams” hardly sounds like “only a small part.” So basically the less insurgent controlled areas you have the less refugees you’ll have as well. Just watch.

    Finally, I have made a call for more civilty on this forum and would like to extend that call to you. There is no need for name calling if you guys seriously want to debate things. That goes for everyone not just left-wingers, (I see the same amount of insults coming from the other side as well.) I realize I’m no authority on what goes on but I seriously think there is no reason for all this hostility.

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