Lucky Cow by Mark Pett for December 17, 2013

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago

    They will pass the costs along to the consumers rather than reduce their own salaries.

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  2. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  over 10 years ago

    The burgers taste like bootstraps.

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  3. Proudwitch copy 2
    mspeer  over 10 years ago

    It’s not true that increasing the minimum wage will raise prices excessively, unless the companies use that as an excuse. Economists say that McDonalds could raise minimum wage level to $10.00 an hour and only have to raise prices by about 5 cents per burger. Plus, if these people were being paid a minimum wage that had kept up with inflation, we wouldn’t be spending a fortune in taxes to pay for them to be on food stamps, rent support, and Earned Income Tax Credits. Keeping the minimum wage at such low levels means that tax payers are subsidizing major corporations that are making record profits. Why should we have to do that?

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  4. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 10 years ago

    That is not surprising in some situations..And there are plenty of riffed older workers who are encouraged NOT to put their age or job histories on their resumes..On the other hand, there are companies who require college degree for positions where someone just needs a good foundation in courtesy, communication and common sense..Who needs a degree to work at a rental car desk, or to take insurance claim reports?.Blame everything on Obama if you like but problems with the economy and lack of jobs have been going on a lot longer and run a lot deeper than any one administration..We need to stop expecting any of our politicians to fix it. That’s not going to happen. .And, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as temporarily poor millionaires..It’s up to us to be innovative, to think local and support responsible small business.

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago

    People don’t go into business to hire other people; they go into business to make as much money as possible. Payroll is just another business expense, like leasing a building and paying utilities. They want to keep costs down to get a larger net profit.

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  6. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 10 years ago

    -No one is against businesses making money. -But, they shouldn’t be depending on government hand-outs to do so. -Paying employees so little that those employees have to be subsidized by the government is the same thing as corporate welfare. -There are two kinds of business models:-One that says “make as much money as possible, even if it’s at the expense of your workers.”-And one that says make money because your workers are productive.-One is a “bleed it dry before going bust model”-The other is a “make money slower but sustainably” model.-If worker productivity is the key, plenty of studies say a less stressed worker is more productive. People making a living wage are less stressed.-Of course, it’s possible to make your business appear more productive on paper, just fire your higher paid employees and replace them with lower paid and less capable workers who can live off government subsidies.-That works until your customers get fed up with poor service. -Wonder which model inspires more worker and customer loyalty?

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago

    All the Quizno’s restaurants keep shutting down because the parent company gouges the franchisees so bad they can’t break even.

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