For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 20, 2001

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    tomandtish_tom  over 3 years ago

    Trust me, when you get married…. All the little flaws? They only get worse. But you love them anyway.

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    RKY84  over 2 years ago

    Actually, you’re not supposed to rinse the dishes, before putting them in the dishwasher. You’re supposed to let the washer do the work. Pre-rinsing wastes water (but most people do it anyway).

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    M2MM  almost 2 years ago

    The original use for the dishwasher (as per the inventor) was to sterilize the dishes, not wash them. Very hot rinsing, then dry cycle. This reduced the handling of the dishes, thus reducing breakage.

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    shlomosports Premium Member 1 day ago

    There is a story of a couple, we’ll call them Abraham and Sarah. Her father washed had the dishes after supper, and his mother had washed the dishes after supper. When the couple got married, they each expected the other to do the dishes and didn’t say anything for a week. I think the official lesson is communication; I think the lesson is “talk about washing dishes on dates.” But how does a man bring that up without sounding sexist?

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