Steve Benson for September 16, 2008

  1. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  over 15 years ago

    Go ahead and keep sticking what that lipstick on a (insert animal here) junk Democrats! You’re just making it easier for the Republicans to take the rug out right from under you!

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  2. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  over 15 years ago

    Would you care to watch a clip of John McCain using the Lipstick on a pig phrase? You see, it’s actually a Republican saying, as it has been for the past, oh.. I don’t know… countless God bleeep years!!! It origis can be traced all the way back to bible!!!!!

    “Quad-City Herald (Brewster, Washington) from Jan. 31 1980, it was observed that “You can clean up a pig, put a ribbon on it’s [sic] tail, spray it with perfume, but it is still a pig.”[3] The phrase was also reported in 1985 when The Washington Post quoted a San Francisco radio host remarking “That would be like putting lipstick on a pig” in reference to plans to refurbish Candlestick Park (rather than constructing a new stadium for the San Francisco Giants).[2]”

    and here you are John McCain useing the phrase himself. Senility, that is the only explanation.

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  3. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  over 15 years ago

    Um….the only thing about that is that Hillary Clinton didn’t refer to herself as wearing lipstick only days before he made that comment.

    It was clear what Obama was doing by the laughs of the crowd and the fact that every liberal cartoon has made a reference to lipstick for a straight week.

    If you think it’s “sanity” to taking things out of context then it’s no surprise to me since you’re just another Kool-Aid drinking America hater like the rest of ‘em!

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  4. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 15 years ago

    The reason all the lib cartoonists kept referencing this was in reaction to all the manufactured outrage on the part of the right…not in reaction to the remark itself.

    And you’re basing your analysis on the laughter of the crowd?

    On a related subject, ROFL! If I could stretch a dollar that far, I could buy a new ‘Vette for 10 bucks.

    Nobody but the rightie extemists are buying into the idea that Obama was talking about Governor Palin…the rest of the world is too busy rolling it’s eyes.

    Which is the OTHER reason it got so much attention.

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  5. Quaggalondon
    FarWestGirl  over 15 years ago

    I think it translates well across animals, since the Rs have been so diligent about cobbling up pathetically superficial covers, (the lipstick), and claiming that one thing is really another behind them. As long as they keep doing that, I think it’s going to hang around.

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