Michael Ramirez for February 13, 2009

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    Ramirez is resurrecting this again because why?

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    MaryWorth Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I don’t get the joke at all… who is the other woman and why are they ordering dinner?

    Lord, back to “Andy Capp”…

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  3. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    dadgum! MR sure does not like him some Obama.

    He does draw one of the best “Obama toons” out of the editorial toonists tho.

    too bad the “joke” is a deceased horse that has been beaten nearly to dust.

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  4. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    readhead… you’re on to something there.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 15 years ago

    After eight years of the media kissing Bush’s “other cheek”, this is really tiresome.

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  6. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    gee trout…

    NPR has been antagonistic with GWB for the last 6 years at least.

    it was march 2002 that they dropped the “president” and just called him “bush”…i marked a calendar.

    i missed all this kissing the press did for george i guess.

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    raycity  over 15 years ago

    Tax payers cash on the plate?

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  8. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  over 15 years ago

    The Messiah can’t even have a quiet and private Valentine dinner with his wife without some enamored Media type personality coming up to suck up to him….

    Beautiful panel depicting the present state of dysfunctional democracy in the US….

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  9. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    Machado, I like your post, though I wonder whom you dislike more, the Pres or the press. It is obvious that you seem to appreciate good technique, reguardless of the artist.

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    whitenoise  over 15 years ago

    Red: NPR addressed that. They refer to the president as “President X” in the first reference in the interview and then as “Mr. X” there after. It has been their policy for nearly 40 years.

    Secondly, the press, despite the continuous and tiresome insistence of right wing radio and Fox News, was quite friendly to Bush. I listened to several of his speeches in their entirety and found that in the following day’s coverage they (liberal stalwarts NPR and the Washington Post no less) had cleaned up, revised, and otherwise put a positive spin on the speech. Citing individual examples of derision by members of the media (comments by Olbermann, Matthews, Brokaw & others do come to mind) does not change this fact.

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  11. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    whitenoise, you’re point is accurate. Many media (though not Fox) have acknowledged their error in acting as virtual cheerleaders for the Iraqi war without doing much investigative journalism … and the cheerleading was led by that demon leftist biased rag … The New York Times

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