Joel Pett for August 02, 2009

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    nice one, Pett.

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    foxglove16  almost 15 years ago

    HQ, how did the rich and powerful convince you that THEIR interests are your interests? And learn to spell; it’s choices, not choses. Jeesh. “Nope, the same old group think that has gotten s in this mess to begin with.” Hardly, we’re trying to buck the group think that got us in the mess because it IS the Big Bad For Profit Health Insurance industry that has gotten us into this problem.

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    Copperdomebodhi  almost 15 years ago

    HQ - if you’re opposed to rights that aren’t mentioned in the constitution, why are you criticizing health care reform for not providing more rights?

    Fire-fighting used to be left to the free market, too. In the 19th century, you could watch your house burn down while two rival fire companies fought over who got to put it out. Our country is better for having socialized fire-fighting, socialized police, socialized mail delivery, socialized libraries, socialized road repair and socialized health inspectors. Call a public option “socialized medicine” if you want, but our nation will be stronger with it than we are now.

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    Copperdomebodhi  almost 15 years ago

    Glad you asked, HQ.

    There are no insurance companies that work for you. They work to make money. The way you make money providing insurance is by accepting premiums and denying claims. Insurance companies are terrified of a public option, because it would provide real competition.

    How will the federal government telling doctors what they can and cannot do make our country stronger? Easy. By stopping the insurance companies from telling doctors what they can or cannot do. The government’s decisions will be made by doctors looking at what treatments work. Insurance company decisions are made by bean-counters looking at what cuts into CEO bonuses. While right-wingers like you scream about ‘rationing health care’, insurance companies are busy canceling the policies of people who have expensive health problems.

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  5. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  almost 15 years ago

    Hey, HQ, I wonder how old you are. If you’re getting on, like me, I assume you are going to turn down any Medicare benefits and, of course,you’ll return all the Social Security payments sent to you, or VA benefits, if you’re a Vet. When you suffer a fire or robbery, I assume you’ll turn down any help from the fire or police departments since the “right” to community help wasn’t spelled out in the Constitution. And I’m sure you stay off of any public roads or sidewalks, since they were installed by socialist big government. In fact, I assume you simply stay in your cave and rant on the “free” internet.

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    Asadullaah2012  over 14 years ago

    I know Joel Pett personally, worked with him in the newsroom there in Lex for six years. Cool Dude with a sharp wit and pen.

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