Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for March 25, 2024

  1. Large baby
    Yakety Sax  2 months ago

    From Not Always Right: In Expecting The Worst, He Became The Worst

    My dad could be a strange man, and once he got an idea into his head, it was next to impossible to get rid of it.

    He and Mum lived in a different province. We spoke on the phone every Sunday, but on this particular occasion I was calling on a Saturday, because I had good news that I wanted to share. This is how the conversation went down:

    Dad: “Hello?”

    Me: “Hi, Dad! I’ve got news! Can you ask Mum to get on the extension so that I can tell you both at the same time?”

    Dad: Immediately suspicious. “What’s wrong?”

    Me: “Nothing! It’s good news, honest. Now, can you put Mum on the extension?”

    Dad: “Not until you tell me what’s wrong.”

    Me: “Nothing is wrong, Dad!”

    Dad: “I don’t believe you. You wouldn’t be calling on a Saturday unless you were in trouble of some kind. Now tell me what it is, and I’ll tell your mother.”

    We went back and forth like this for a few minutes, with me insisting with increasing desperation that there was nothing wrong, and Dad refusing to go get Mum until I ‘fessed up. Finally, almost in tears from frustration, I snapped:

    Me: “Oh for God’s sake! [Boyfriend] and I got engaged last night! I wanted to tell you and Mum together, and now I can’t, because you wouldn’t let me! Happy?”

    There was a stunned silence, followed by a meek:

    Dad: “Oh… I’ll go get your mother.”

    NOT my story.

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  2. Missing large
    preacherman Premium Member 2 months ago

    This youngster is an incredibly thoughtful young lady. When I was her age, I pretty much did whatever was interesting. That included building a subterranean house and setting fire to the forest back of my house. Of course, having a firetruck in my backyard was very interesting, too.

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  3. Ami fat cat fgcat
    HA!  2 months ago

    Reminds me of the time my folks discovered my brother and his friends sitting around a campfire in the middle of our wooded extra lot, singing “Davy Crockett”. (I know, I know, really dates us.)

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