Mike Lester for April 25, 2023

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    mr_sherman Premium Member about 1 year ago

    It seems Mlester will miss the guy.

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    Judge Magney  about 1 year ago

    Let not your heart be troubled, Mike. Jews will not replace him.

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    dotbup  about 1 year ago

    Typo – Fox cut their best liar*

    Dems tend to consume a wide array of media sources—including The Washington Post, CNN, The New York Times, MSNBC, and The Wall Street Journal—whereas “the spectrum of what Republicans consume is way, way smaller.”

    For instance, Fox News is considered a “most trusted” source by 57% of Republicans in the Economist/YouGov survey Hayes cites, but the drop-off from there is precipitous, with far fewer Republicans than Democrats trusting legacy sources such as The Washington Post and The New York Times. This distrust in the very media sources that didn’t just agree to pay a voting machine company $787 million to settle credible defamation claims (lies) against it goes back a long way. Cons are in thrall to a “very, very small universe of ideologically, partisan-aligned sources of information” (lies)

    That didn’t happen by accident. That is the product of a successful effort by Fox News and others—a lot of other cons—who waged a decades-long war, going back to the 1960s, on the mainstream media and any other trusted American institution. The late rush limbaugh (lush r!mjob) enshrined the battle lines in what has become a infamous monologue on what he called the ‘Four Corners of Deceit.’”- "government, academia, science, and media. Those institutions are now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit.”

    repugs have been waging war against those very institutions, …allowing propaganda to be aired unrestricted allowed the billionaire-class to brainwash a portion of the population to believe that anything even remotely progressive is the downfall of America.

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    Jingles  about 1 year ago

    wokeys are weird.

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    braindead Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Yet another example of Republican ‘humor’.

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    Zykoic  about 1 year ago

    He could endorse Bud Light and accelerate their sales recovery.

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    tpcox928  about 1 year ago

    Strong, sad comment when the other team’s best player is a pathological liar.

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    Jack7528  about 1 year ago

    And CNN let Lemon go the same day, me thinks Lemon is getting upset that Tucker is getting more attention than him.

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    hooglah  about 1 year ago

    Another home run. This will get the communist liberal democrat dweebs all in an uproar. they can’t stand the truth…..Tucker Carlson’s ratings were higher than all the other networks combined. Of course, to them truth never matters.

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    Behuva  about 1 year ago

    Truth? From FCarlson? This might be my best laugh of the morning but you forgot the snark sign…Oh, you were serious?

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I’m just wondering where Tucker is going to resurface. No doubt he’ll take a nice vacation, before reentering the fray. Not sure I’ll tune in as he has increasingly diverged from my worldview understanding and analysis over the last few years. I totally disagreed with his stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war. He basically became a spokesman for the isolationists in America. That has never worked well in the past.

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    flpmlp  about 1 year ago

    Everyone that loves the USA will miss Tucker!

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  13. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  about 1 year ago

    Interesting headline on-screen:


    “New FBI report finds highest casualties from US ‘active shooter’ situations in five years”

    Aren’t these the same 5 years that The Party Of Trump (TPOT) has been moving heaven and earth to prevent any reasonable curbs on importation, manufacture, or sales of AR-15 type firearms? The same 5 years that any attempts to restrict firearms purchases to those who can pass a background check have been blocked by TPOT Congresspersons? The same 5 years that all efforts to ban large-capacity magazines have been blocked by TPOT? The same 5 years that TPOT not only has actively stated that the problem with school shootings is NOT guns, but the lack of armed teachers, and has actively advocated for MORE guns in schools?

    The same 5 years that TPOT has resolutely refused to even discuss ANY form of bipartisan discussion about reasonable limits on guns in general, and military-grade weapons in particular, insisting that they are “needed for hunting”. Indeed. What is in question is “Hunting WHAT?” Political opponents? Children?

    “I’ll grad in 2024 – if I live that long.”

    - Sign held by a 16-year-old student -

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Sooo. While I stand by what I’ve said about this issue, something piqued my analyst bug. After looking into this, firing Tucker doesn’t make sense from a corporate POV. While I had my differences with Tucker, the bottom line is that he was responsible for bringing in close to a billion dollars a year and say what you will, the profit is the bottom line. So, Carlson brought in far more revenue than was lost in the settlement, plus other FOX talking heads were pretty much right behind him in commentary on the subject. Even you lefties go on about how far right is FOX and Tucker was the point man for their conservative views, so why fire their top money maker? Makes no sense. What alternate reason would he be fired? Was he getting too close to an uncomfortable truth? Tucker often railed on about the military industrial complex, the DC political swamp and new world order hierarchy including corporate heads like…FOX.

    Now, as an M.I. analyst I despise conspiracy theories. But the interactions between governments and global corporations are a very real thing. So, everyone, left, right, independent, LGBT+ etc. ask yourselves, what do you really matter to the corporate heads, the political swamp both left and right, the power brokers in the UN? Did Tucker get too close to the truth? I don’t know. But to say that he was fired over the Dominion affaire makes no sense.

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  15. Fbab547a f046 46c4 98b5 08cf0dc801d6
    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 1 year ago
    I just think that is was less the Dominion issue and more that it was an excuse to git rid of someone getting close to uncomfortable truths. It is also interesting that while Tucker pulled in from 3 to 5 million viewers on his FOX segment, his recent Twitter post got over 30 million hits.

    “You can’t stop the signal, Mal.”

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    Vidrinath Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Wasn’t there a newer ’toon up over the weekend?

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    mlester101 creator about 1 year ago

    I’d apologize for the sudden pulling of my 4-26-23 cartoon but I had nothing to do w/ it nor was I given a reason why it was “disappeared” after running three days. As readers, consumers, and customers I would think it is certainly w/in your rights to ask why. If you find out -- let me know. Thanks -ML

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