Stone Soup by Jan Eliot for September 22, 2009

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    gosfreikempe  over 14 years ago

    Holly dear, I’m going to tell you one last time: Stop. Channeling. My. Son.

    Jeez, Ms.Eliot, how the bleep do you know what my kid’s up to?!?

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  2. Dora dingle  e how
    DoraDingle  over 14 years ago

    As a high school student, the only thing I went to bed with was a portable transitor radio. And it was tuned to an all-news radio station.

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  3. Cloak and 10101s
    shadowwriter  over 14 years ago

    i took a book, and always had a light or 2 stashed somewhere.

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  4. Sunflowers
    StuStu2U  over 14 years ago

    They really can text in their sleep. I’ve seen it. It’s scary.

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    alondra  over 14 years ago

    shadowwriter said, 44 minutes ago

    i took a book, and always had a light or 2 stashed somewhere.


    Just like my brother. Or he’d go in the bathroom and read comic books by the nightlight. No wonder his eyes were so bad.

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    llorraine23  over 14 years ago

    Yeah, this is my 16 year old stepdaughter. I can SO identify with this strip!

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    ireg  over 14 years ago

    My live-in god-son texted so much that the girls at the phone store were shocked at his numbers. He had text-friends all over the US and would text at all hours. Very difficult to curb the habit.

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  8. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 14 years ago

    My daughter at school age did not have a phone but internet and not in her room but in the living room. Would constantly message board people. I would tell her you don’t know them. She would tell me the question they would ask. Then somehow we started getting phone calls. I would pick up and talk to them (mom) I figured it was their dime. And told them after awhile to get a life and not call back. One guy sent an email and his wife called, my daughter showed me his picture and he was not a teenager, when his wife called my daughter gave me the phone turns out mom is right he is with the military I asked if they where planning any children she thought they might so I asked if he would message a teenager girl what type of father would he be she needed to investagate.

    For parents of kids texting you don’t know who is on the other end. I also threathen call the sheriff on the man if he continued. For SS I am glad mom takes away Holly’s phone how does she know who her daughter is texting?

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    kab2rb  over 14 years ago

    Parent knows her daughter so well. Go to sleep Holly.

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  10. Nny
    avatarjk137  over 14 years ago

    I used to have terrible insomnia because my parents made me go to sleep before I was tired. If I had been allowed to continue being active, I would have burned through my remaining energy faster and would have actually gotten to sleep a bit more quickly. 9 PM is not an appropriate bedtime for any child over 10 or 11.

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  11. Librarylady only
    lspringer61 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    She’s not channeling your son, Saskfan, she’s channeling my daughter. At least up until now. She’s not into texting, thank goodness!

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  12. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 14 years ago

    I blocked texting on all our family’s phones. Not a problem, my sons have never sent a text message in their lives. (16 & 20). Books however, are in abundance in our house, so I’ve never tried to stop them from reading at night. Figured if they were tired in the morning, that was their problem. (I homeschooled them, so it wasn’t a case of making someone else deal with them the next day.)

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    gosfreikempe  over 14 years ago

    Library Lady: My son wants to know how your daughter survives without texting. :)

    I told him, “Probably quite nicely. And she has more time for homework!”

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  14. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 14 years ago

    And after all these problems Holly still has a cell phone why?

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    gosfreikempe  over 14 years ago

    Ejcapulet said, about 1 text message ago: And after all these problems Holly still has a cell phone why?

    Possibly because, at times, there are uses for a cell phone. She COULD use it to stay in touch with mom. That’s the reason my guy has one. Of course, he abused it and it doesn’t always ring. But he can always answer a text message…

    Burgundy2: one of my sisters-in-law gave up reading vast quantities of bedtime stories to one of her kids. The parents taped the favourite stories, gave him a stack of books, the same stories on tape, and his own tape player. He pretty much wore out the tapes, and learned to read at three or four years old.

    We read the first five Harry Potter books as bedtime stories; by then, the kids were old enough to read them on their own. The 12-yr-old is working his way through R.L. Asprin’s Myth series, and recently finished Crichton’s “Andromedra Strain.” “Voracious” doesn’t BEGIN to describe his reading!

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    cateymoore Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Phones and texting can be a good thing with teenagers. My girls will tell me all sorts of thing in text messages I’d never get otherwise. Putting the phone away at bedtime is required, however.

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    Burgundy  over 14 years ago

    Everybody who is tired of hearing Burgundy2’s personal opinions, raise their hand!

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    MarcAureleus984  over 6 years ago

    But can she sleep without texting? Ah! That would be a talent to amaze your mom!

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