Michael Ramirez for June 08, 2009

  1. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  almost 15 years ago

    HOWGOZIT: Considering he’s never said that, it’s Ramirez’s words, not Obama’s.

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    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    Ramirez says cartoons should “stir passions and deep emotions”. As a combat veteran, with a son who’s served in combat in Bush’s idiotic wars, my passion at the moment would be to give Ramirez a whack up side the head. His last two cartoons insult everyone who’s served this nation, and what it actually stands for. His thoughts are frozen. The catalyst has set his direction on insulting our president, and twisting words he didn’t even say to appeal to a sector of the populace that does embarrass us all. Lush Bimbo with a pen.

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    petergrt  almost 15 years ago

    Are you all so inebriated on 0bamamania that you can’t see the irony expressed in Michael’s last two cartoons? You couldn’t possibly be that stupid!

    Michael is paying homage to the Americans fallen to liberate or defend other nations, which fact is virtually absent in the 0bama’s apology tour speeches.

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    superfly-tnt  almost 15 years ago

    peter: spoken like a true non serviceman.

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    ccnkrait  almost 15 years ago

    I gave blood at the office, Lang Vei-68. Obama has undone all the good that our military has done for over 230 years. They die and he leaves the reverence out of their sacrafice. He upsets the leaders of our (maybe former) allies by his lack of understanding their world. He has pissed off Israel and Germany for two, he does not know protocal. pravda has equated him with Gorbachov and the demolition of the soviet state. But worst of all those that have not been to war to defend this country think he is GOD and the press has started calling him that. we will soon be addressing as a plural like the pope. Ramirez is a breath of fresh air in the SMOG being created by this regime.

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    cdward  almost 15 years ago

    ccnkrait, obviously you did not read dtroutma’s post or you would know that he, and many of the others you bash here, did serve in the nation’s wars.

    And why should only those who have fought in the wars have a say – or why should their voices count any less? That mentality makes is sound as if those who give their lives in other ways – but without a gun – are somehow serving their nation less. Firefighters, police, EMTs, but also Park Rangers, teachers, ministers…it goes on and on.

    By the way, Germany is much happier with Obama than Bush – as one who has lived there and keeps up daily contact with friends and listens to, reads and watches German media, I have a sense of where they’re going. And who cares if we tick off Israel? What have they done for us lately?

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    cdward “Germany is much happier with Obama than Bush – as one who has lived there and keeps up daily contact with friends and listens to, reads and watches German media, I have a sense of where they’re going” Sense when has Germany been a friend to the USA? You recall Germany started BOTH world wars. Of course Germany is happier with Obama, read my first line to discover why. “And who cares if we tick off Israel?” God cares, look what happened to the USA after Bush kicked a few Israelites out of their home… Katrina wiped out New Orleans. As well Israel IS our Allies, more then the war starting Germans.

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    such deceit in some many of these posts ….

    it was nowhere near an apology tour … not even close

    Obama has honored our service men and women repeatedly and in many different settings

    hatred often blinds the hater to the truth

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    I’m sorry, mytintytown. Did you just go and blame a natural disaster on US foreign policy?

    And are you really characterizing modern Germany as warmongering?

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    tpenna If God controls weather (and He does) and you kick His people out of the promised land. Is that God causing a storm out of the possibilities? I don’t think so. Am I suggesting modern Germany as warmongers? Not really, but their past says they have every possibility to do so. My point was to suggest them as our friends or even Allies.

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    Look, I’m a Christian, but I don’t believe for a moment that God is so meticulously involved in things like weather. No God I worship is so vindictive as to take out anger about US foreign policy on innocent folks in New Orleans. I don’t really see a difference between your claim and the moronic utterances of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson after the September 11th attacks.

    As for Germany, it’s good to hear that you aren’t claiming that it is currently a war-mongering state. Particularly after its official objections to the unprompted 2003 US invasion of Iraq.

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    petergrt  almost 15 years ago

    What constitutes an apology? Though the term was not specifically used, 0bama, in virtually every one of his overseas speeches, except the one at Normandy - which makes the cartoon so good, used critical language to describe America’s past. Reset, forget the past, the World after 0.

    Most importantly however, America’s harshest critics perceive those speeches as apologetic, albeit insufficiently so.

    While Europeans (I still am spending most of my time there) love 0bama, the politicians like him as person, but have fundamental disagreements with his basic policies, and consequently gave him nothing, 0.

    Indeed, Europe is disavowing the very socialist policies that 0bama has fallen in love with, especially the socialized medicine. Witness the recent EU elections which handed socialists incredible beating. The Brits are about to throw them out in a big way as well.

    But, our enlightened crowd will keep on cheering for the ‘new’ ideas.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    tpenna A liberal Christian? Cool! But you need to read the bible! It is the section about Abraham. Start with Genesis. Also, I see you are one of them who thinks Iraq was unjust. Nice to know this too.

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    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t agree with everything Obama is doing, especially when he goes along with some really stupid ‘right wing” proposals to get progress in other areas. There IS a difference between “socialism” screamed by the right, and social responsibility in a Democratic Republic stated in the Constitution as “promote the general welfare”. My Navy son is about to get out on “service connected” disabilities. Having my own experience with the VA,(100% disabled) it is the fact that Obama actually CARES about our troops and is taking actions to prove it, like improving VA process. HIs actions to support our troops and veterans speak far louder than Bush/Cheney’s efforts to abuse (“stop loss”) and deny them their benefits. (huge claim backlogs because claims were denied, and documents shredded)

    Even cartoonists don’t have a right to put their own words or interpretations in the mouth of someone who DOES care about our military people and veterans and sees peace and negotiation preferable to killing more of them needlessly.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    http://www.afa.net/youscareme.asp Scary and awesome letter. Also a link to back it up! http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/youscareme.asp

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    Completely ridiculous letter with so many logical fallacies it is difficult to count. But I can see that there’s no getting through to some people with logic. Fear is the only thing that works for some.

    Look, if you disagree with somebody on policy issues, please address those disagreements. Stop trying to make the president out to be some bogeyman bent on destroying America.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    Only because you do not agree with it does not mean it is not true.

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    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    tinyminds might believe what Pritchett says, and THAT IS SCARY!! I didn’t know Hawaii wasn’t part of the United States, among other things. Stuff like this is pure Rush rubbish, and should be burned at the stake as these “puritans” would still do with “witches” if given the chance.

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    No, mytinytown, the aforementioned multiple logical fallacies make it untrue.

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    Howie and I didn’t even mention Bush above :oD

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    petergrt  almost 15 years ago

    This is the reason I love Michael Ramirez: It gets all the leftist loony’s excited and provide some of the greatest entertainment on the Net.

    Thank you Michael Ramirez, and thank you gocomics.

    The sad thing is that many of those leftist nuts are actually manning the red buttons of American policy.

    ps: The leftists got really clobbered in the EU elections. Maybe there is hope for Europe, after all.

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    ColinJames  almost 15 years ago

    From an Australians perspective reading the fear filled ‘noise’ layered with hatred and intolerance of contrary opinion leaves me and my fellow countryman bewildered. Seriously the level of discourse appears facile and thoughtless - merely the game of hurling words over the walls of fixed forts of perception and belief. The abuse the left and right heap on each other via these forums smack of the politics of the playground.

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