Mike Luckovich for May 05, 2011

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    Magnaut  about 13 years ago

    all the above in spades…..whoops!

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    artisanx  about 13 years ago

    Bush would NOT show his face when invited to a commemoration. That’s COWARDICE! A True Repugnican!

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    petergrt  about 13 years ago

    “Bush would NOT show his face when invited to a commemoration.”

    That’s called CLASS - allowing the sitting President to shine in his moment of glory..

    Obama too showed CLASS, in inviting GWB.

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    Woody157  about 13 years ago

    @ petergrt - I will tell you upfront I campainged and voted for Pres Ronald R.. With that said, I did neither one for GWB. However, I feel that GWB did the right thing in declining the invitation. Both he and Pres. Clinton allowed President Obama to have center stage. I respect Pres. Obama for making the offers in the first place.

    Long may OLE GLORY proudly and freely wave over our homeland.

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    kreole  about 13 years ago

    Bush did the right thing and Obama is doing the wrong thing. Obama shouldn’t be taking the victory lap. The military…and the Seals are the MVP in this event. Obama is still in campaign mode….it’s so obvious and that’s where the so called ‘silliness’ really is..

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 13 years ago

    As much as I disliked GWB’s politics, style, and leadership, I have to say he has definitely been a class act since stepping down. Maybe “breeding” shows.

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    tcity  about 13 years ago

    @ Kreole. When is a sitting president not in ‘campaign mode’? Every single action or inaction performed by an elected leader is fodder for, or against, their re-election (unless it’s a lame duck situation, where essentially they have no pull, so no-one gives a damn). If you want someone to lead and NOT be in campaign mode may I suggest a country that is ruled by a king, queen, or emperor. Remeber the ‘publican creedo- America: Love it or Geeet out.

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  8. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 13 years ago

    Tigger said. “Al-Queada splintered long before Obama was killed. Thye will strike back.”

    Stop looking at the Fox News Caption. Its Osama.

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    kreole  about 13 years ago

    Latest poop is that Panetta authorized the Seals operation over Obama’s indecision caused by Valerie Jarrett’s prompting Obama to back off. It also explains why Obama was urgently called in off the golf course to be briefed on what was transpiring so he could address the nation. He didn’t even know it was going down. I just hope the news media exposes what really happened.

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  10. 1dragon con
    chatoyant  about 13 years ago

    “Latest poop” is just that. That is just Right-Wing dirt-speak.

    Barack had many things to consider, the Nuclear Armed Pakistan for one. If Panetta finally said, “We have to do this Mr. President, now or never.” and Obama said yes, then he decided. I seriously doubt there was no final word from such a deliberate man.

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  11. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Based on the tenor of these comments, I’d say America is back to normal! Didn’t take long, did it?

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    dannysixpack  about 13 years ago

    ^^yes hand2, obama is an excellent president. And i’ve been saying that long before osama.

    it amazes me how the right wing started bashing him about jobs and the economy BEFORE he even took office.

    the left wing nuts and the right wing nuts are willing to destroy the nation in order to smear obama.

    treasonous bastards.

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