Two Party Opera by Brian Carroll for August 09, 2020

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    E Pluribus Uranium … cute Brian.

    And as far as your last comment goes … I don’t think even Trump thinks that way. We don’t give others nukes.

    However, there is some definite nervousness about the nukes that were in Turkey (at US bases). I would have removed them by now, since Turkey has become a questionable ally. I assume there are still some in Germany and the UK. South Korea is also a possibility, although Guam is the most likely location. That’s where a B-2 crashed.

    From the very beginning, the US has tried to control the spread of nuclear weapons. We reneged on our deals with the Brits, and they were forced to develop their own bomb program despite all the help they provided to the Manhattan Project. Everybody else developed bombs on their own, or with help of one of the other nuclear powers. South Africa helped Israel, but when it was obvious that apartheid was going to end, the South Africans disassembled their bombs — the only country to do so.

    As for Nagasaki, as I mentioned the other day, Truman did try to call off the mission, but it was already in the air, and there were political reasons for not ditching the bomb. So Nagasaki died.

    Truman had given the military the authority to use the bombs as they wished, but took that authority back after Nagasaki. If he had not, the military would have used the third bomb in another 3 to 4 days. Before Hirohito broadcast his surrender message on the 15th.

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    RalphConti  almost 4 years ago

    Sure, I’ll have an honest conversation about anything. In this case, war is hell on Earth. The greatest war crime would have been to lose.

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  3. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    We don’t have to agree on the past to be committed to a better future. Sounds like a philosophy that will work in today’s political warzone. I wish that I could get my neighbors to agree.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    In the closing days of World War II, the brightest minds in the military estimated that, since the Japanese refused to surrender, invasion of the Japanese islands was the only alternative, and it was estimated that upwards of 3,000,000 Americans would loose their lives during that part of the conflict – so the loss of life of an intractable enemy was of minor consequence.

    Now, understand this, my opinion is colored, somewhat, by my knowledge that my father was being held in a P.O.W. camp on Honshu and was almost dead of starvation by war’s end, so my opinion of the necessity for the bombing may be just the littlest bit “colored” here.

    Any weapon that can be developed will be used, eventually – the concept of M.A.D. only works if both sides of any conflict understand the consequences.

    Trump is “in bed” with some of the most dangerous players in this high-stakes game and Trump has no clue about evaluating consequences!

    Pompeo is in the process of “pretending” that America is still involved in the nuclear agreement with Iran so that Trump can strut and bluff his way into reestablishing all the old sanctions against Iran – which will undoubtedly be the final straw – forcing Iran to redouble their efforts to develop their own nuclear weapon.

    Trump is single-handedly forcing Iran to develop their own nuclear arsenal, and, you know, I really don’t think that Azerbaijan is going to be their first target of opportunity.

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