Ted Rall for August 14, 2020

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Mr. Rall is losing his touch, if he ever actually had one.

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  2. Abraxascircle
    abraxas  almost 4 years ago

    Yeah. I’m disappointed.

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  3. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 4 years ago

    Wow, the sour grapes run all the way to the stem.

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  4. Large goat
    Goat  almost 4 years ago

    Well Rall, there always Jo Jorgensen if you dislike Biden so much. Why don’t you bother mentioning her in one of your cartoons?

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  5. Gentaz btl
    wyneaux  almost 4 years ago

    OK, this is just as ageist as Kelley’s toon from yesterday,,,, and besides, every President has a host of younger people doing lots of duties for him…. I don’t think those “kids” will be making any of the important decisions tho… In any case, could they do any worse than the three year old we have sitting in the oval office now?

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    6.6TA  almost 4 years ago

    Over the years, Mr. Rall is consistently negative. No one has any redeeming features, ever. For me, he has become a sideshow. A dark sideshow.

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 4 years ago

    Good! That’s called succession planning. It requires long-range thinking, and a willingness to empower people reporting to you, even if they may be potentially better than you. This is what effective leaders do. (I know – this is my field of expertise.)

    In contrast with #45, who refuses to let ANYONE share the spotlight, keeps all power in his family like a mob boss, and is clinging to this job – lying, cheating, and stealing as necessary to do so – strictly because he KNOWS he’s going to jail when he isn’t in office anymore. How do we know that? He told us!

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  8. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  almost 4 years ago

    4) There’s no one else on the entire planet you can date but me or that other guy.

    I got a good laugh out of this, but eventually I’ll just recoil in horror that this is what our country is like, where we have a “choice” between a virulent fascist and an autocratic warmongering mouthpiece for the plutocracy.

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  9. Guitar
    kilioopu  almost 4 years ago

    Ted, are you looking for a President to have sex with???

    I don’t want to live in the country you envision.

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  10. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Joe might be 77, but on Jan 20 he’ll be 46.

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  11. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I think most Americans will take “kinky” if it also means qualified.. rather than the current “disgusting” with unqualified.

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    halvincobbes Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Does the GOP pay you to spread their propaganda for them?

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  13. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 4 years ago

    Gosh, so he’s not running around encouraging crowds to adore him, regardless of health hazards? Sounds like a positive trait to me. By the way, all Presidents have staff. Surprised?

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  14. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Gosh, Ted appears to be praising Biden with faint damns…

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    [Unnamed Reader - bf182b]  almost 4 years ago

    Ted is a diehard Sanders fan. He will not accept anyone else. It is the Democrat’s greatest failing – they cannot accept a second choice.

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    tims145  almost 4 years ago

    Yes, Ted, the current president is so physically and mentally competent, vital, and virile that of course he makes Biden look feeble in comparison! Can’t believe that anyone would want to vote for Biden! Not when there was a real live fire breathing progressive we could have nominated. Fortunately this is America, and you can still at least write in Bernie Sanders’ name and be satisfied that you did the right thing for America and the world.

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  17. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    You have to realize that Ted is trying to outdo his brother cartoonists. Not easy being more of a dimwit than all the other dimwits.

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    RalphConti  almost 4 years ago

    What a novel way to present the “Biden as incompetent” theme. Now we all know Ted hates Trump. So his anti-Biden comics are more of a public service. Sure, they indirectly advance Trump’s chances, but Ted knows that the only way to save a burning house is to let it burn to the ground taking as many people with it.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 4 years ago

    Like everyone is younger than Biden. Did you know that slowing the mail is a felony?

    Nasty right wing anti democracy Trump and his phony Post Master should be arrested and jailed.

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  20. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 4 years ago

    @guyjen2004, have you taken your meds today? You think Kamala Harris, a hard-core prosecuting attorney, is a Communist?

    You also think the left is the main haven for lunatics? The GOP just nominated a Qanon candidate! And that’s not even counting the malignant narcissist in the White House…

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    evanmarhews  almost 4 years ago

    Rall is an unfunny kind of guy. find another job lilke digging ditches

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 4 years ago

    MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch bluntly explains the only reason Trump still has followers

    “First let me answer the question you asked me last time because I’m outraged over this Post Office thing,” Deutsch began. “How do one in three Americans still believe this man about anything — the answer is one thing: one in three Americans are racists.”


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    XtopherSD  almost 4 years ago

    Talk about getting ratioed…

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    Union Man  almost 4 years ago

    Biden is smart enough to put the best people in his cabinet. I doubt there will be any arrests and convictions.

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  25. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  almost 4 years ago
    Rall had a Blysol cocktail today.
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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    It will be fun to see Mr. Rall’s attitude toward the elderly, should he have the good luck to become one.

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    gcottay  almost 4 years ago

    So where is Ted Rall’s younger team?

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    kentmarx36  almost 4 years ago

    Another representation of STUPID.

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  29. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  almost 4 years ago

    This is a comment by Col. Larry Wilkerson, USA (Ret), at Paul Jay’s new site TheAnalysis.news

    You know, this consumption culture is driving us into hell. We have to figure out a way to get off this predatory, capitalist fuelled consumption culture. We must. It’s debilitating for our minds, our souls, our psyche. It destroys us when all we do is think about the next 24 hours of consumption. It’s incredible. It’s ruined even the productivity of this country to the extent that we now make products and products to last two or three years when we used to make them to last 20 because we want to sell eight or nine of them in that 20-year span rather than just one. We have built a system that is poisonous, perverse, and it’s killing our very soul, and not to mention our pocketbook. [emphasis added]

    It’s actually PRC Capitalists who started the “make products to sell, not to give satisfaction”, and US Capitalist predators embraced it with open, greedy arms. Don’t do QC, just sell whatever comes off the production line and if it breaks, people have to buy at least one more and that’s good for us (the Capitalists), though not for the suckers (the buyers). But who cares about the suckers? They can either buy, again and again, the crap we sell at full price, or they can go without. Predatory Capitalism in full flower. The only further predation they could do is to require us to buy…and the GOP’s mandatory insurance program embraced by Obama was surely a trial balloon for that next, final predatory law.

    This is one of the very best reasons for not supporting anyone -such as the elephants in donkey suits- that think the current system is really fine.

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    jpozenel  almost 4 years ago

    Ted…you’re making a fool of yourself!

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    patrickab7  almost 4 years ago

    Bernie is a year older than Biden.

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