Mike Luckovich for April 14, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Slow Death panels?

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  2. Missing large
    Carolo1  about 13 years ago

    md lies

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    Okay, Medicare took 7% from my wages. The Social Security “trust fund” paying out benefits came from FICA payments. Now Lockheed/Martin, Boeing, etc ARE taking a huge amount of my tax dollars, then there’s GE and the engine the Pentagon doesn’t want- right- “entitlements” are burning up those “tax dollars” GE didn’t pay.

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  4. Hpim0603 edited
    Harolynne Premium Member about 13 years ago

    ^mdavis1183 - Because Obama’s cuts to Medicare were just that - cuts. Ryan hopes to KILL Medicare by giving seniors a voucher for health insurance (the money goes to the insurance company) rather than paying their medical bills as they are accumulated.

    No one can predict whether or not they will contract an expensive cancer or a chronic disease like diabetes or congenital heart disease.

    That’s why Medicare is shown as sustaining a killing blow as opposed to a cut. Clear now? Probably not.

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  5. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 13 years ago

    In the words of the great Motive: Zing!

    ^You mean things like ending recision practices, put and end to preexisting conditions, and close the Medicare part D doughtnut hole?

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  6. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 13 years ago

    I have an idea, Howie. Instead of just posting mindless guess-what-I’m thinking generalities, why don’t you tell us specifics?

    Granted, that means you’ll have to use more than one sentence per post, but at least people will take you more seriously.

    And if you get refuted, you can just do what mdavis did above: Ignore it, and then post the same thing on another thread.

    I know you know how to do that.

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  7. Missing large
    Spaghettus1  about 13 years ago

    I believe what Obama cut is the part of Medicare widely known as a give-away to Big Pharma. Remember the Congressman who sponsored it? Soon after it passed, he left government and took a multi-million dollar lobbying job for the same Big Pharma he had enriched with taxpayer dollars.

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    Yeah, at first glance…

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