John Deering for April 26, 2020

  1. Picture
    Ontman  about 4 years ago

    …or at least sicker.

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    viewer1 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    If so, it will be due to how the governors handled their respective states.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    Health Care Systems are destroyed by Republicans, they are bad for your health.

    All they care about is the money in their own bank account, they still believe that ‘geed is good’. The rest of you can go fish.

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    Pickled Pete  about 4 years ago

    If you haven’t seen these, what have you got to lose?

    ​Make sure you scroll down to find Sarah Cooper’s tweet “How to medical” on this one and click to start.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    ​Now check this comic to go along with it:


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    brwydave Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Bernie is taking full advantage of the crisis to show the failings of a health care system that relies on employment status when people (those who were insured) are losing the coverage as they are laid-off. His argument sings.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    ‘That’s called embalming’: Nancy Pelosi drops mic on Trump for disinfectant gaffe in new CNN interview

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    As of Friday, the coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 50,000 people in the United States. That number is likely to be an undercount, and it’s possible we will never have a true reckoning.

    At almost every juncture, Donald Trump has made decisions about the coronavirus pandemic that have led to more death. His behavior is that of a person who has no care or concern for the health, safety and welfare of the American people. Nothing could epitomize that more perfectly than his grotesque suggestion this week that “injecting” disinfectants or household cleaning products might kill the coronavirus. This would seem comical, and entirely unbelievable, if it had not actually happened.

    In these examples and many others, Trump and his inner circle ignored or purged experts and other truth-tellers, and lied about, misrepresented, deflected or denied the dire threat to the American people posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

    Considered in total, Trump and his regime have shown themselves to be incompetent, callous, malevolent and deeply cruel in their response to the coronavirus crisis (as well as to a plethora of other issues).

    Psychologist and psychotherapist John Gartner, contributor to the bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” and co-founder of the Duty to WARN PAC, has an answer: Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist. Our president’s mental pathologies inexorably compel him to hurt and kill large numbers of people — including his own supporters.

    Gartner also warns that Donald Trump is an abuser locked into a deeply dysfunctional relationship with the American people and that, like other sadists, Trump enjoys causing harm and suffering.

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    gwayner Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Well you have to admit that disinfectant would kill the corona virus. I guess the death of the taker would only be collateral damage.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    Trump to turn to racism after it becomes clear he can’t run on economy or against ‘socialist Democrats’

    “What we should expect in 2020 is, because of the economic implosion, because of his massive mishandling of this crisis, he will pursue a xenophobic campaign that makes the 2016 effort look like patty cake,” said Neil Sroka, of the progressive group Democracy for America.

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  10. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Say what you want about Donald Trump but injecting bleach and shining sunlight up our butts is the most detailed Republican plan to replace Obamacare I’ve heard so far

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    moderateisntleft  about 4 years ago

    Would that be a ‘MASA’ hat? Isn’t that how he wishes to be addressed?

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 4 years ago

    It’s gone from hearing him, to seeing him, to just hearing his name, and I feel like puking.

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