Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for February 27, 2011

  1. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 13 years ago

    they should live in (musical notes here)Ca-me-lot!

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  2. Missing large
    dante.deangelo  over 13 years ago

    I knew it, Poppins is merc.

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  3. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I’ve long been in favor of putting a transparent bubble-dome over the city, here in San Francisco. We’re only about 49 square miles and we’re roughly square in shape, which should make the engineering much easier than in other places. Keep it open on the sides to about 150 feet, so we’d still get fresh wind, but there’s no reason we should have to bother with rain, ever. Collecting and storing the runoff shouldn’t be too difficult (relatively speaking), which could be used to water the parks and rinse the streets. This is my dream…

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  4. Missing large
    dante.deangelo  over 13 years ago

    I always thought they were Canadians.

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  5. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 13 years ago

    But this month gets us all primed for the Spring season!

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  6. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago

    dante, there’s been a lot of discussion about that lately, but I don’t know if Adam’s home can be pinpointed. They seem to celebrate U.S. holidays, so I don’t think they’re Canadian. If they’re in the Northern U.S., the periodic focus on hockey wouldn’t be particularly unusual. There’s been talk of the Pacific Northwest, maybe the Seattle or Portland area. But Adam seems to root for the New Jersey Devils in hockey, and the New York Giants in football, so I’ve always figured he’s in (or at least from) New Jersey.

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  7. Black wolf
    wolfbyte36  over 13 years ago

    I prefer 75° with a nice cool shade and a glass of ice cold lemonade.

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