Steve Benson for July 13, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The Cult of Trump has managed to get the Republican party to not merely abandon but enthusiastically reverse every single one of its most sacred cows: fiscal responsibility, deficit hawks, stand firm against Russian aggression, oppose tariffs, EVERYTHING.

    Trump is alienating our longest-standing allies (G7, NATO, SEATO, OAS) while kowtowing and praising dictators and our longest-standing hostile adversaries.

    Trump, dancing to Putin’s puppet strings, apparently wants to blow up NATO and replace it with CRANKChina, Russia, America, North Korea.

    Trump promotes the interests of Russia, is building trade relations with our long-time adversaries (North Korea and Russia, and China only after they bribed him with investments in his companies [emoluments]), and alienating the United States from its long-time closest allies (Canada, Mexico, Europe), both economically and strategically, and now undermining logistical and strategic support for long-time strong allies Japan and South Korea for photo ops and empty words with an untrustworthy, murderous dictator who lies almost as much as Trump himself.

    Putin’s three stickiest wet dreams are:1) Lifting the sanctions (which Trump has called for)2) The United States political system in turmoil3) NATO and G7 allies torn apart by trade wars and treaty differences

    Ya think Puppetmaster Putin just might have his hand up puppet Trump’s rear end?

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    C’mon, guys, everybody knows that The Donald single-handedly rescued all those young soccer players from that cave in Thailand. He said so himself, and he wouldn’t lie, would he?

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    Ontman  almost 6 years ago

    For Trump is was another one in the ‘win’ column.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    ^ If you are Donald Trump, you aren’t embarrassed by anything you say or do. You might say you were kidding, or accuse others of lying about what you said or did, or simply say to everyone, “See how wonderful I am!” And what the likes of you or I think is not important to him. And in a country where “reality” shows are a big hit with TV watchers, do not expect all of them to care about whether or not he is trustworthy, or honest in the conventional sense. He entertains them by slamming people he claims are their enemies. Reality need not apply.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    OK, more weirdness from GoComics. My previous post is appearing ahead of posts made hours earlier.

    I wonder where this will end up.

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 6 years ago

    Trump has put us last in his efforts to put us first.

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    SteveBenson8 creator almost 6 years ago

    Win one for the traitor.

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  8. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 6 years ago

    Y’know, guys, you’ve done it again. You’ve promoted JAH1492’s typical Whataboutism to featured comment.

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    SteveBenson8 creator almost 6 years ago

    That’s all there is about Jah.

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    tauyen  almost 6 years ago

    NATO: Not Another Trump Outrage

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    dogday Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I just want someone to tell me: Does Trump KNOW when he embarrasses himself, and does he know how much? That NATO meeting was one long cringe-fest. shudddddder.

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  12. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    After destroying Teresa May and embarrassing the Queen, gas bag Trump is on his way to worship Putin, even though Mueller just indicted several of Putin’s military for interfering in our election.

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