Dana Summers for March 13, 2018

  1. 098
    ajmsdca  about 6 years ago

    And Governor Brown said “Bring it, dotard.”

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    ajmsdca  about 6 years ago

    As I recall, my state flag says “California Republic” and my state is the sixth largest economy in the world. Wanna see what happens when we decide to not send federal tax revenue to the Swamp Monsters?

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    twclix  about 6 years ago

    THEMCCHUCK… Isn’t it fascinating that the states you list take far more from the federal treasury than they pay in taxes? You do,know California subsidizes red state regressives, right? You knew that, right? You know that red state citizens depend on those of us who add additional value to the federal system and create wealth that we donate to support you regressives, right? You do know the facts, right? Right?

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    twclix  about 6 years ago

    @THEMCCHUCK…right, you’re the regressive, I’m the progressive. I think those are the appropriately descriptive terms for our respective views. I want a better future. You want to return to some imagined halcyon period that never existed, where women knew their place, blacks were regularly lynched, and gays stayed in the closet.

    Oh, and just to add another log to your fire, think about this. You are absolutely correct life is more than money. That’s why I’m so upset about poor pathetic trump. He’s a traitor to our country. His lies, racism and ignorance are astounding to Americans who share the aspirational values I cherish. Respect for others. Empathy for those less fortunate. Honesty. Fair play. Respect for the rule of law. It’s a long list of ethical boundaries that trump and the regressives have violated.

    Oh, here’s another outrageous thing. I am not a Christian, but my core values are about love and forgiveness. I certainly forgive you and other regressive citizens. Their elected representatives should know better, but your willful blindness is likely due to your inability to adapt to a changing world. For that, you have my sympathy and my forbearance.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    Trump would never attack a Russian like he attacks citizens of the United States.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 6 years ago

    The last California grizzly was killed in the 1920’s, Trump and company are out to destroy them all, in all states. The public lands are on the way to total destruction and handover to corporate greed, mining, ranching, oil, forestry and other folks who truly do HATE America as much as Trump does. LEt’s hope for change in November.

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