Drew Sheneman for December 04, 2017

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    cdward  over 6 years ago

    Let’s talk about child molesters. Or serial adulterers, for that matter. Or care for the poor (it’s in the bible). Or care for the alien (again, the bible doesn’t differentiate between legal or illegal alien). Or care for creation. Or, or, or. The right has abandoned all pretense to be following the ways of Jesus.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    In a way, it’s refreshing to finally see the republican party admitting that their entire agenda of “family values” and christian morality" actually centers around the two ‘catchphrases’,“I’ve got mine, Jack; screw you!” and the ever popular “Whatever it takes to win!”

    After electing Trump and supporting Moore and especially after pushing a “tax reform” plan that ‘shafts’ the Middle Class and so richly rewards their lords and masters, the rich and powerful, there is no longer ANY WAY they can speak of “Values” or “Morals” with a straight face – Republicans have shown the world that they are venal and amoral! Good going, guys – appreciate seeing what I’ve always suspected – thanks!

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    goblue86  over 6 years ago

    @wellis1947: You gotta give credit where credit is due. In today’s arena-style-politics (wish I had coined the phrase) the republicans sure have figured out a winning formula. They’ve figured out a way to get people to enthusiastically vote against their own self interest. Tax what little I have left and give it to the wealthy! Yeah…you betcha! Poison the water and the land so some fatcat can have more $$. Sign me up!. Trickle down? I don’t know what it means, but I got me a MAGA hat that I’m proud to wear when I’m buying all that cheap shit from china when I shop at wal-mart.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The democrats have operated on the ‘assumption’ that the American voter would vote its own self-interest, given the chance. We’ve never, to this point, “instructed” people in what to think and do, offering them, instead, a valid choice and expecting them to choose wisely.

    Republicans tell their voters what to do, what to think and are constantly showing them mental “scarecrows” of one sort or another to keep them in line. If you think about that for a moment, you will realize that I’ve just described how a ‘parent’ addresses a ‘child’!

    It is difficult for democrats to address others as children rather than adults because we progressives want to surround ourselves with partners and associates, NOT followers and “sheeple”, blindly singing our praises. Researchers have been able to determine, with fair accuracy, whether a person is “republican” or “democrat” by doing a P.E.T. scan and measuring the “fear” center of the brain – its much larger in republicans!

    Democrats persuade with facts, republicans ‘control’ with fear. It REALLY IS as simple as that!

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  5. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 6 years ago


    You tell them Gator!

    How dare the Dems quote liberal left wing rags,

    ..like the…

    ..Washington Examiner?


    Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore’s account of when he began dating his wife Kayla would place the start of their courtship before her divorce from her first husband, according to court documents.

    This comes as the Moore campaign’s defense of the retired judge against multiple allegations of sexual misconduct hinges on disputing minute details of the accusers’ versions of events.

    On Tuesday afternoon, the Washington Examiner asked Moore’s campaign to explain apparent contradictions between his account of his relationship with Kayla Kisor and information contained in public records.

    (Oh, and you do know that the last major Alinsky understudy, was the Tea Bagg… Party? Right?)

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