Ted Rall for August 25, 2017

  1. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    The people against Anti-Fascists are the good who are allowing evil. The modern GOP is like the France of the 40s, just letting the Nazis in.

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  2. Picture
    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    Like ostriches with their heads in the sand, easy pickings for the Nazis. And just like 1930s Germany, they are Marching In our streets too. We fought a war to defeat Nazism. Germany has outlawed Nazism. Why can’t we Outlaw Nazism? What does Free Speech have to do with Nazism? What does Free Speech have to do with speech that incites violence?

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 6 years ago

    I am as hard-core a First Amendmentist as they come. I believe the cure for “bad free speech” is “good free speech.”

    However, right now we have a situation in this country where a team of media defenders are organized to protect bad free speech and amplify it, to try to equate Nazis who want to kill people based on racism, with those who object to that. The “good free speech” is being suppressed, and the “bad free speech” is being supported and even celebrated.

    Racism has always been present in the DNA of America — it’s our abiding sin — but the institutionalization of racism when we KNOW better is becoming increasingly alarming. It wasn’t that long ago that racists used code words. Now they quote Nazi slogans and carry tiki torches. Of course, like all bullies, they cower when challenged.

    But the people who MUST challenge Trump, the people whose responsibility it is, the people in Congress, are too wrapped up in protecting themselves and their political agenda. And I think they still tend to think in old terms, that somehow we can have polite political debate, and separate as friends. Trump and his supporters have no interest in this, or in compromise, or even in principles other than supporting the Trumpster.

    Should we be violent? No, if it can be avoided. But we should stop pretending that people who state openly they want to kill people because of their skin color or religion are anything but people engaging in criminal acts. Forget hate speech – when someone threatens violence or whole swaths of the population, it doesn’t even matter if it is some particular swath.

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  4. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 6 years ago

    The situation in a nutshell. Meanwhile, Energy Transfer Partners LP, a company in which Trump is invested and which he helped a great deal by approving the Dakota pipeline, has sued Greenpeace and others for… wait for it… terrorism.

    Might as well be hung for a goat as for a lamb.

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    mattro65  over 6 years ago

    It’s sad. Older, affluent white males still have a death grip on power while their poor white allies do their dirty work and whining while under their thumbs being ground into poverty.

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