Mike Lester for November 12, 2016

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    twclix  over 7 years ago

    One more thing. Islam itself has a problem, in my opinion, with their conflation of religion and politics. Sort of like Europe during the Middle Ages. And, in Iran, the ruling mullahs clearly want politics informed by their religious beliefs. But, importantly, they are way, way less focused on martyrdom than the Sunnis who are the ones who really export their religious stupidity outside their political sphere of influence. Again, these issues are complex, even though we often have ignorant simpletons like Bush and possibly Trump (since facts don’t seem to matter to him) ignoring reality by refusing to learn the details and making everyone else (particularly our soldiers) pay the steep price for their willful ignorance

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    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Make America White Again.

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    hooglah  over 7 years ago

    Fuck all you sorry ass liberals. I have never seen such stupid shit in my life. You’re just pissed cause you have to get a job instead of living off the working people.

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  4. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Creepy Donald has his domestic enemies list already, one of his spokespeople said. Evil shades of Nixon.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Trump says he’ll tear up the nuclear agreement with Iran. So, the inspectors will pack up & leave, while Iran fires up the centrifuges. Ertogun & the Saudis will have to build their own nukes to counter Iran. What could possibly go wrong?


    It’s actually possible Trump will renege on his promise to tear up the agreement, just like he’s already dropped his promises to deport all the undocumented immigrants & repeal the ACA.


    Of course, Lester & the rest of the right will approve of Obama’s policies when they’re carried out by Trump. I can only assume that policies don’t actually matter to those folks.

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    Snarky  over 7 years ago

    Iraq and Libya both agreed to not pursue WMD as a way of getting the West to leave their leadership in power. With such vivid and recent object lessons, why would Iran and N. Korea give up their programs? The prudent course of action with Libya would have been to integrate them into the global community once they renounced WMD rather than foment regime change. It would have demonstrated that accepting the carrot would not lead to instigated revolution, and might have led to some concrete progress with both Iran and N. Korea – something actually worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.

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