Henry Payne for October 23, 2016

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    kennethcwarren64  over 7 years ago


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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago


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    KenseidenXL  over 7 years ago

    I want all private schools BANNED. Finland did it in 1974 and their students are in the Top 3 in international standards testing.

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    Comicsfan222  over 7 years ago

    Research show that there is no statistical difference between student performance of those attending public/charter/private schools. As far as I can see the main advantage of Charter Schools is that they can expel disruptive children, while public schools can’t.

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    6.6TA  over 7 years ago

    This is a really interesting area — despite Mr. Payne’s very poor take on the subject. We have a lot of problems within the public school systems around the country. It turns out that some charter schools have shown some advantages, and that some charter schools have shown the same problems, with even worse results. So, we have a nearly uncontrolled national experiment going on, and we are experimenting with our school kids. I don’t have any solutions to offer, but I don’t believe any blanket statements on the topic. Here is a link to a good study on the subject, as near as I can tell: https://feaweb.org/statewide-charter-school-study

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Even though charter schools can choose which students to accept, and they can expel children more easily than public schools can, the charter schools have the same or worse results than public schools. “Charter schools get overwhelmingly positive press and make a lot of claims about their success. But actually, numerous studies confirm that their achievement is indistinguishable from that of traditional public schools. Some are very successful, some are troubled and struggling, and the rest are somewhere in between just like traditional public schools.” http://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/charter-schools-vs-traditional-public-schools-which-one-is-under-performing

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Franklin, and the rest of the founding fathers, and EVERY land disposal law in the history of the United States, has called for funding PUBLIC EDUCATION, as in “land grant colleges” among other issues. The PRIVATIZATION of education, funded by taxpayers in “charter” schools violates this principle, especially when those “charter” schools are indeed RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS!

    Yes, we can improve the system, and there is indeed too much “political correctness”, like when the Texas Board of Education orders books that DENY anthropogenic climate change, and push religious context into medicine, falsifying real FACTS! PC isn’t just about “liberal” anymore.

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    parkerinthehouse  over 7 years ago

    I thank God some of you guys are not teachers.

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