Michael Ramirez for October 17, 2016

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    rnapiera  over 7 years ago

    Yeah, they’re looking up alright. I just got notified yesterday that my deductibles are “looking up” to the tune of $1500 each. Now in 2017 they will be $5,500/individual and $11,500/family. What a deal! I pay as much for this ACA piece of garbage as I did for my old GOOD insurance, but now that it is “affordable” I get to pay for all my health care too.

    .Tell me again …why are the President and all of Congress that passed this garbage exempt from their own poison?

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Destroy the US healthcare system to force republicans to ride to the rescue with single payer socialist medicine. The democrat plan, as written, is right on track and a huge success.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    The flat tire and flat spare were the direct input of Repulicans in COMMITTEE, giving the thing away to the insurance companies, but even then, a much better program than before we had it. But as Bill pointed out, it needs some repairs, but the mechanics need to work for the people, not the corporations in Insurance and “health care”. Single payer being the most important change to work into the model, and negotiations for drug and insurance prices, not set by the industries.

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  4. Scary coulter
    ............................cocoultergeistCCvCerus  over 7 years ago

    OCA is good, but the real solution is SINGLE PAYER

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    jespence97  over 7 years ago

    We will remember that you supported Trump.

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  6. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 7 years ago

    Without knowledge of the facts people are more susceptible to spin and misrepresentation. The Affordable Care Act has covered about 20 million previously uninsured Americans but has little chance of improved standing with the public unless its most important achievement is better known.

    Kaiser Family Foundation

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    raycity2  over 7 years ago

    Health care was inexensive until politicians at all level of government piled on thousands of rules,regulations an mandates.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    My group plan went up only 1% after ACA kicked in, as opposed to average of 15% annually before. Granted, we’re now also on Medicare, but with my supplemental group policy as backup, had surgery in November, and again in February. My wife had surgery in April for gal bladder. No copay and annual deductible was minimal.

    The PROBLEM was Republicans handing big pharma and bigger, crookeder, insurance companies, as well as “medical facility CORPORATIONS” extra profits and benefits. Companies that were sound before, still are.

    As my kids in New Zealand now realize, SINGLE PAYER is what’s really needed, and NZ has a good plan that covers medical needs, but if you want “vanity” procedures, you have to pay up, or have additional insurance for what the state won’t cover.

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  9. Scary coulter
    ............................cocoultergeistCCvCerus  over 7 years ago

    RIGHT YOU ARE, YOUCANT….if the doctors, bankers, rnc don’t like it sign me up….

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    Richard's Potato Premium Member over 7 years ago

    @Chris Maple

    Ah, yes…the libertarian’s response to any suggestion that he might have to share the cost of a social benefit: it’s “universal theft.” Until, of course, he runs his motorcycle into a tree. Then EMT service, ambulance transportation, emergency room surgery, and full-service physician care had better be there ready and waiting for him because it is his “right as a citizen.” But God forbid that he might have to share the cost to set the system up before he personally needs it. Am I the only one who’s noticed libertarians are completely agreed that they should receive social services but also completely agreed that they should not have to pay for them?

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