Michael Ramirez for August 16, 2016

  1. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Got to admit a lot of what you said is true. Predators like Al Sharpton just make it worse while they make a living off the poor and broken in the inner cities.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    The problem with Tom’s and others argument is that cultural changes from the command structure of the privileged class didn’t come in 1776, or 1865, and only started to change in 1965, and in most of the country, still hasn’t caught up for most “people of color”, or for that matter other “ethnic” minorities".

    In the late 70’s, my supervisor was black, and in public contacts, it was almost always assumed that I was the supervisor, not him.

    There is a problem when the media builds instant cases against cops whenever there’s a shooting (yes, there are too many, and white folks are getting shot a lot too.), and blame is quick. When Rodney King was strangling a cop, and they started beating him down after he’d already been tased once, that part of the tape was rarely seen, and THAT is the media’s fault.

    When a National Refuge is occupied by folks with a hatred for government, AND THE CONSTITUTION, they need to go to jail, and the first ones are finally getting convicted and sent to jail. The problem is that on most all sides, the rule of law is ignored.

    When politicians from Nixon, to Reagan to Bush see their “worker bees” going to jail rarely, and then being sprung by judges they appoint even after conviction, like Ollie North, where does respect get observed by the populace.

    When the top guys get away with crimes, it makes the “little guys” feel they should receive the same treatment. That’s part of the problem in ALL lower economic bracket communities, Black, Brown, White, or “others”.

    But then lab scientists knew a long, long time ago what would happen when we crowded people together in rotten conditions of poverty and crowding, they had all those rats eating each other…

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    timgilley  over 7 years ago

    Each and every urban crap hole is Democrat controlled with entitlement Democrat citizens. Detroit, Chicago, Camden, Oakland, Milwaukee, Flint…. The constant propaganda from the liberal Democrats is we should do everything they say to solve problems, but reality says just the opposite. Everything Democrats touch or control turns to crap.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 7 years ago

    What Tim says.

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