Robert Ariail for July 30, 2016

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    And let’s talk REAL history.Based on FBI and other PROFESSIONAL IT people, it WAS Russian hackers.This is a BS cartoon, unworthy of Ariail’s usual work.

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    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    It’s fake…

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    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    A friend works for the foundry that made the Liberty Bell, and every few years they deal with someone here who claims that the bell was miscast. The standard response: No, it wasn’t. You lot mishandled it in shipping, and struck it like a guy beating a carpet. We will, however, abide by the conditions of purchase. Simply ship it back to us, and we will recast it in the original mold, which we still have, at no additional charge.

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  4. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  almost 8 years ago

    How do you know he lied? Do you have any better information?

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  5. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Bernie cracked the bell, (because he is so loud).

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    scyphi26  almost 8 years ago

    It’s not like the Republicans don’t do the same thing, though. Something goes wrong on their watch, and they’re quick to shift the blame on anybody they think they can get away with it. Lately, it seems to be the Democrats these days.Basically it’s a two-way street. They’re both doing it, and my initial reaction is kind of “so what? I’m getting that no matter who I vote for.”

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    tauyen  almost 8 years ago

    Another Republican who never studied history – or humor. Probably flunked science too.

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    ghkimac Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    We need to get serious.As every Democrat in The White House knows, “it was George Bush’s fault.”, not the Russians.

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  9. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    GW Bush is, indeed, blamed by Democrats for things he caused or cultivated. I can see where that would seem to some Republicans like we blame him for everything, but get a grip.

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