Henry Payne for July 30, 2016

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    Flash Gordon  almost 8 years ago

    More like trump/putin ’16.

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    lonecat  almost 8 years ago

    Pence?!? Read his resumé. He’s really bad.

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    Hillary “inspiring”? IMO she and Obama are twin soulmates in idealogy, which is Marxist-based Socialism for America.Government controls all areas of citizens’ lives…business, education, healthcare, re-distributed wealth stolen by selective tax rates to Robin-Hood thieve profits from successful free enterprise businesses, back-door to ending “free enterprise”!-She helped Obama in his economic policies….read this 7/29/16 opinion at www.investors.com“Obama’s Economic Recovery is Now $2.2 Trillion Below Average”The Commerce Dept. Friday reported the 2nd Quarter 2016 growth was a mere 1.2%, which is average for Obama’s 7 years, 27 Quarters. -“If Obama’s recovery had merely been average, millions of people now unemployed would be working and paying taxes….instead of collecting benefits. There would be millions fewer stuck in poverty today, and millions fewer dependent on food stamps, and Medicare and Social Security would be on somewhat sounder footings.”-“…had Obama’s economy been average, the country wouldn’t be in such a foul mood, and wouldn’t so easily fall sway to the EMPTY PROMISES of a socialist, or the demagoguery and blame games being peddled by the major parties’ presidential candidates.”-With Hillary’s lifelong idealogy, “progressivism”, which worships the god of nature (climate change) and fiercely defends the sacred “right” to murder America’s pre-born citizens, and her STATE DICTATORSHIP goals, how could any freedom-loving honest citizen and especially any God-fearing Christian, bring themselves to be “inspired” to vote for the doctrines of demons that is the 2016 Democrat Platform promises and plans???

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    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Trump told Stephanopoulos:

    “I’ve had a beautiful, I’ve had a flawless campaign,” he said. “You’ll be writing books about this campaign.”

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    kaffekup   almost 8 years ago

    I realized that when I looked at Kaine, I was looking at our 46th President. I don’t expect any republican presidents for a couple of decades. I just hope he’ll be as progressive as he appears to have become.

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    oneoldhat  almost 8 years ago

    hey flash how about hilliary / isis

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    @UncleJoe….1. are you saying that candidates for president must pass a religious test?- We are not electing a church pastor or deacon. It would be nice to have an obedient Bible-believer as president, but look at this world and show us a person like that that can enter the primaries and win nomination and then win the presidency! -check out HRC biography entries In Wikipedia, especially her college years. She turned from her Oak Park, Il. Republican parent’s political viewpoint, to joining the most leftwing college instructors and even Alinsky was her “mentor” and she became a Marxist-socialist viewpoint activist the rest of her life. -Her acceptance speech at the DNC Thursday night is a model of socialist principles….free education, free healthcare, abandonment of our traditional self-reliance and Biblical voluntary charity to the needy, to STATE programs and funding and government control by taking from the “rich” and giving to the “poor” (after deducting bureaucrat’s 70%) in the Marxist redistribution scheme.-She may have been given by her parents a Methodist heritage, but she has turned to fighting for a long list of God’s condemned sins….murder of the pre-born, “rights” and legalization of sin after sin…to finish Obama’s establishment of the USA’s Sodom and Gomorrah culture! -Trump is no “saint” but he picked a Christian to be VP and he promised constitutional and conservative USSC appointments. That is 180 degrees from what Hillary would pack the courts with! -For Christians, Trump is definitely the Lesser of 2 evils, and our only hope to keep our traditional form of government.

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    @nance…how is it possible that you (if you are an American citizen) have never heard legal immigrants talk about how thankful they were to escape homelands that underwent forcible conversion to socialism (USSR, China, Cuba, etc)and the people lost freedom and suffered purges of millions of citizens (Russia’s Gulags, etc) and suffered as Venezuela is suffering today, due to socialism being forced on the majority of the population: food shortages, lack of medicines, a society ruined by an elite using force and control to gain power, that stole businesses and properties, and brainwashes the survivors on the wonders of the State, and tried to stamp out the idea of God and outlawed the Bible and tried to make Government the God….how is it possible for anyone to miss their warnings to this population?

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    Alinsky was worse than a communist, he dedicated his book on rules for radicals to Lucifer!-Hillary may not believe in “working for the socialist goals” from the “outside” but how is working on the inside a better or a good thing? -Her concept of childraising is to abandon God’s parent plan for individual parents at home to teach scripture truths to children.-Her concept for those allowed to be born (she said pre-borns have no human rights although Bible and God’s view plus scientific knowledge of conception and development of the human fertilized egg proves the “fetus” is a baby human from conception through birth to adulthood).-Hillary also said Christian beliefs based on scripture of the Bible “must be changed”! I would not vote for her for any office, much less presidential power.

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