F Minus by Tony Carrillo for July 23, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 8 years ago

    A+ than F- if you ask me. (Jason Fox and Valery Frizzle would fit right in!)

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    jgarrott  almost 8 years ago

    Actually, Revelation mentions at least horses in heaven, so I wouldn’t rule out any higher animal.

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    oakie817  almost 8 years ago

    all animals will be in Heaven…have you not read that Jesus will return Riding a white horse? we were created to be their caretakers all animals insects whatever will be there for us to take care of…many of you, myself included, must pray in earnest for forgiveness

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    markjoseph125Myths are true, just in a fictional, symbolic form. I am constantly amazed by those who can’t handle that fact, yet can work with a patent absurdity like i (the square root of minus one) without a quibble. Minus times minus is plus.

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    markjoseph125I do not sit around going through comments in hope that you will favor us with your enlightenment. I read the cartoons as soon as I can conveniently, and again after the night’s news and before the deadline. You are incapable of understanding anything other than data and so attack anyone “bilingual” enough to be able to work in both science and religion, as did most pioneers of science before the late 19th century, when one could finally make a living in science. Before that, most “scientists” were amateurs in the best sense of the word, but income came from other occupations – rural doctors and clergy, or nobility – who had disposable time to devote to science. My father (1903-1993) was one of the few surviving into the 20th century, being both clergy and discoverer of three Upper Cretaceous fossils. Since I went on these trips while still horizontal, and literally cut my teeth on fossils, I escaped the unreasoned prejudice exhibited by some of those who never had the upbringing I had.

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