Steve Benson for July 01, 2016

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    Combatcarl  almost 8 years ago

    Lying runs in the family.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    What a stupid story. They ran into each other for thirty minutes in an airport and talked. Now it is a big conspiracy. Is there any common sense left in the world?

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    This is the one that will split this case wide open! Finally a real make-em-up that will knock her down. This was terrible, it was really a sneak. This tempest is rocking the teapot so hard! Lynch said nothing was discussed related to the investigation so you have two choices: To say this didn’t matter or she’s lying. I think it didn’t matter. I don’t think she’s lying. They discussed grandkids and golf.

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago


    “Phoenix Airport at Center of Political Intrigue After Lynch, Bill Clinton Meeting”.by Dan Nowicki, political reporterTHe Arizona RepublicThe Republic | 5:04 p.m. MST June 30 2016.

    “Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport has become the center of political intrigue this week after revelations of an impromptu meeting there between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose U.S. Department of Justice is investigating his wife Hillary Clinton’s email controversy..

    “Lynch was in Phoenix on Tuesday to visit the Arizona Law Enforcement Academy as part of her national community-policing tour. As she arrived, she got word that Bill Clinton was at the airport and wanted to greet her..

    “’I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as I was leaving, and he spoke to myself and my husband on the plane,‘’ Lynch later said, according to USA TODAY. "Our conversation was a great deal about his grandchildren. It was primarily social and about our travels.’’.

    “The conversation also apparently touched on Clinton’s former attorney general, Janet Reno, ‘but there was no discussion of any matter pending for the department or any matter pending for any other body,’ Lynch told reporters..

    “Hillary Clinton is this year’s presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Because the FBI is looking into her use of a personal email server while secretary of State, the news of her husband’s meeting with Lynch in Phoenix caught fire Thursday in the conservative media, where it was cast as a potential conflict of interest..

    “Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, ripped the meeting Thursday in a radio interview..

    “’They actually went onto the plane, as I understand it,’ Trump told conservative host Mike Gallagher. ‘… It was really a sneak. It was really something that they didn’t want publicized as I understand it. … I think it’s so terrible. I think it’s so horrible. I think it’s one of the biggest stories of this week, of this month, of this year.’.

    “Josh Earnest, President Barack Obama’s press secretary, was asked about Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton..

    “’She was asked about it directly. And she answered the question directly about what exactly transpired,’ Earnest said. ‘And so, you know, she’s spoken to this. I don’t have any insight into that meeting. I also don’t have any insight into the investigation. But the president’s view is that this is an investigation that should be conducted free of any sort of political interference, and the attorney general has indicated that that’s exactly her expectation as well.’.

    “Clinton’s campaign indicated to The Republic that it agreed with Lynch’s characterization of the meeting, but otherwise had nothing to add. A Phoenix Sky Harbor spokeswoman also could provide no additional details, saying its staff was not even precisely sure where at the airport the meeting took place..

    “An aide for Bill Clinton also backed up Lynch’s account, adding that the former president routinely extends greetings to Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress and other dignitaries when he runs across them. The meeting was not prearranged — it happened spontaneously after Clinton and Lynch realized they were both on the same tarmac in Arizona, the aide said.”._____.NOTE: .Given the Clintons’ well-earned reputations for bending/breaking the rule of law in order to advance their own political ends, it would not surprise me if Slick Willie—in taking, as he did, the initiative to privately meet with Lynch aboard her plane,—was hoping and intending to grease his way to some kind of favorable resolution of Hillary’s email server problems through employment of his aw-shucks folksy ways that he has honed into a fine political artform. We will never really know, since there is no known recording of what was actually said between Lynch and Bill inside the plane.. .

    Although Lynch did not recuse herself from the Justice Department’s investigation of Hillary’s email scandal, the public exposure of Lynch’s private onboard meeting with Bill has led to her turn the case over to career DOJ investigators in order to avoid the appearance of political taint. .

    So, in the end, perhaps Slick WIllie and Hillary will get their wish—a better chance of dodging the bullet through changing the investigators. .

    Welcome to the ever=fishy, backroom world of the queasily questionable Clintons

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago

    Glad to see that you trust the media—at least when it suits your purposes.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Speaking of conflicts of interest, who do you suppose will run Trump’s business should he be elected? He has interests in a lot of foreign countries…

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  7.  chevy
    Lyman Elliott Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    To the Republicans, in words (as near as I can remember them without looking it up) that they can hopefully relate to: “Before you remove the splinter in your neighbor’s eye remove the plank in your own eye.”

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  8. Hungover
    Buzz the Bear  almost 8 years ago

    Ya got PROOF? Tape? Video? Eye/Ear Witness? No?Then ya got crap! Typical republican CRAP!

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    TLH1310 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    In today’s politics, no matter what party. innuendo is the name of the game. Nobody cares about proof or details, they just want headlines.

    Here’s a few examples

    “Clinton had a budget surplus when he came out of office.” In reality he gutted many department budgets to look like it. When supplementary spending bills (to make up the shortfalls) were filed there was a huge deficit. National Debt in 1993 was $4.4 trillion, in 2001 it was $5.8 trillion.

    “Bush started the war in Iraq.” Not including peacekeeping missions, the US war on Iraq started with Operation Desert Fox in 1998.

    “Bush caused the Stock Market Crash in 2008.” The market crashed when investors abandoned Wall Street after Obama won the party nomination. Obama’s platform included higher taxes on capitol gains and tighter financial regulations on Wall Street.

    “Hilliary could have stopped the Benghazi attack.” The only evidence is there was a phone call in the middle of the night to her. Even if it was acted on immediately, the military resources probably couldn’t get there in time to save the Americans.

    “Bill Clinton and the AG met in private at the Phoenix airport to discuss the case against Hilliary.” They were alone together for about a half hour. They might have discussed Hilliary, or “Grandkids” or it could have been a sexual tryst. (prove it wasn’t)

    See what I mean, nobody cares about the evidence, just the rumors.

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago

    To Buzz T. Bear:

    I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am a registered non-party affiliated voter and poll worker who, generally speaking, is politically left of center and who has cast my ballot over the years for Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Greens.


    That said, what we have here is an adjudicated perjurer—Bill Clinton—whom the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Paula Jones could lawfully sue for civil damages for obstructing justice by lying under oath during Jones’ attempt at pre-trial discovery.


    I wouldn’t trust anything Bill says, given his sordid and repeated track record, which resulted in him being soundly punished by the courts for lying under oath and thereby impeding justice by failing to faithfully execute the laws, per his constitutional mandate.


    Slick Willie makes used car salesmen look like Mahatma Gandhi.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Bill Cllinton farts in Phoenix, guilty of causing heat wave and killing three 90 year old heat stroke victims out playing golf.

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  12. Booboo
    bbear  almost 8 years ago

    In 1972, I turned 21 and could vote for the first time. Back then you had to be 21 to vote. I wasted my vote on Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon, a man who would lie and cover-up his mistakes (sound familiar?) He wanted so desperately to be President (sound familiar?) He thought anyone who didn’t want him President must be an enemy (sound familiar?) At the risk of offending my liberal friends who have been told by the Democratic Party that it’s “time” to have a woman President – and, why not? – but NOT Hillary! or Pelosi! or Warren (ugh), or Feinstein. There are plenty of more qualified women politicians than those four., I mean. come on! And, Bill Clinton’s 30 minute meeting with the Attorney General in the Phoenix airport. Reeks of cover-up. Something the Clintons can do so well.

    I would almost rather write in Mickey Mouse for President since the Republican Party is not running a legitimate candidate this year.

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