Mike Lester for June 01, 2016

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    derdave969  almost 8 years ago

    Seems to me you couldn’t find anything to complain about in the cartoon, so you did any way.

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    twclix  almost 8 years ago

    Well, quick, look,out the window. There’s a flying pig out there! John has responded to James with a reasoned reply. What is this world coming to? Thanks John, James needs a bit of perspective now and again. James, perhaps you can respond in kind with a reasoned answer to John’s next post. Wow! Real dialogue from John and James. Yay.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    If a bee or a wasp attacks you, you kill it…if a rattle snake attempts to bite you, you kill it….if a rabid dog wants attack you, you kill it….if a 400 LB. gorilla has a hold of you…you can’t reason with it…you cannot predict what it will do…in the long run humans win. it is what it is….

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Surprised the NRA has not weighed in on this with the need for everyone to be armed.. just in case.. One never knows when one needs to shoot a gorilla.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    The zoo was right to shoot the gorilla once the toddler fell in the cage. The incident was not the gorilla’s fault. This is a devastating loss to the zoo. The animal has paid with it’s life for humans to use it as entertainment, then when the boy fell into the enclosure had to be put down. The problem here is the gorilla was in captivity in the first place. It is no place for a gorilla or other primates. A sideshow display for humans to gawk at until one of them gets too close and the animal is put down. This is no way to treat other beings on our shared planet.

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    alexzabalaWith lack of other evidence, I will concede that is what you do. Your answer to every proble is kill. However, I have been around all sorts of hymenoptera and not been stung because I have not fought them. I have stepped on a rattlesnake and did not kill it or get bitten, I just quickly removed my foot. As a kid, I was going to pick up a very pale water moccasin, thinking it was a non-poisonous yellow-belled water snake – until I noticed the pit; I did not kill it, but let it move off. I have never seen a rabid dog, but I have often stared down dogs so frightening that the owner’s mail delivery was suspended. I have never been face to face with a gorilla, but going by what Dian Fossey discovered, being non-confrontational will probably ensure your survival.

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  7. Odin
    Holden Awn  almost 8 years ago

    Unfortunately the ape is dead, and the child gets to suffer in multiple ways for life because somehow his parents failed to adequately supervise. Tragedy all around.

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