Mike Lester for May 18, 2016

  1. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    I am sure this makes sense to some Conservatives. The question of equality as seen through Republican colored glasses.

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    Flash Gordon  almost 8 years ago

    Aren’t his speeches available to hear on the internet?And if not, why not?

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    What does sexual deviancy have to do with skin color???

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    Wraithkin  almost 8 years ago

    I’m going to just leave this here, because it is worth noting… homosexuality, as well as transgenderism, is a genetic anomaly. It is a statistical aberration. From the perspective of perpetuating the species, it is a dead end. Feeling that you are a boy caught in a girl’s body is technically a mental disorder – Schizophrenia. The color of your skin is none of these things. The real issue I have is we live in a constitutional republic, but we use the turn of phrase, “Democracy” to describe ourselves. And in that one word and concept, one unassailable fact remains: Majority rules. We see this in our elections, in how we act and behave in small groups, and so on. And yet, we have the left turning the entire country on its head for a group of people that represent far less than 1% of the total population. This is what I mean by the phrase, “The tyranny of the minority.” And the most obscene display of this is when anyone who disagrees with those who support this tyranny are shouted down, have negative epithets thrown around (racist, bigot, homophobe, etc). That is not democracy, that is tyranny by a few oppressing the many.After all, let’s turn it around. How would anyone’s reaction be if Marines started calling civilians worthless, don’t deserve freedom, should be thrown in prison if they don’t serve, and so on? Marines represent less than 1% of the population, and let’s say they started calling all the shots. And their instruments were just as offensive as what is being employed now by liberals. I guarantee every single person on here would be rankling at the idea of that. So why should a group that is much smaller than the Marines be given said power?I’m not saying we should treat anyone poorly (unless they’ve already earned that, like felons). I’m simply saying that we as a society should not be beholden to the narcissistic demands of a few special interest groups.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    If you are born a man and think you are a woman…that is a violation of nature…look down between your legs and figure it out..those people need medical help NOT access to a woman’s bathroom.

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    Kaizer66  almost 8 years ago

    its about numbers why should 99.7% of the population have to submit to .3% of the population. This whole thing is a distraction from something really important. Why do you think the president is pushing it so hard? We will find out when it is too late that while we were distracted by this foolishness some world altering issue slipped right under our noses.

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    Wraithkin  almost 8 years ago

    And just to make sure you don’t assume that I am saying that I’m concerned about the safety of my kids when going into the bathroom, it is not transgenders I am concerned about. I am concerned about predator pretending to be transgenders. After all, if we challenge someone in the restroom and say, “Are you a trans?” imagine the lawsuits and hurt feelings. Forcing them to register and be a card-carrying transgender will be akin to discrimination and will not be okay. So how do we know they are genuinely a transgender? Asking won’t be acceptable. Forcing them to preemptively prove it is discriminatory. And I’m sorry, but my children’s Right to Life (aka safety) is Constitutionally enshrined, whereas the desire for a guy to use a female’s bathroom is not. My job as their father is to protect them from predators. And like I mentioned above, it’s not about the LGBT community itself that concerns us for the safety of our families, it’s the criminals that will use it as cover to commit crimes.

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    twclix  almost 8 years ago

    I understand your confusion. I used to feel much the same way as you do right now about this. You seem to be a thoughful person. Minority interests always need to be taken into account in matters of public policy. Otherwise we would have the tyranny of the majority.

    On the issue of gender, I think most medical professionals, researchers, and behavioral scientists agree that gender is more widely dispersed than you claim, and have come to an agreement that you disagree with. My guess is you are fighting a lost cause. I’m not really sorry about that. I think we should do our best to adapt to change, even if change feels uncomfortable or “unnatural.” After all, with all the crazy stuff we humans do, why is this such a flash point? I am really mystified? Treating others who are different from me with respect seems like a good idea. What’s wrong with that?

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    Wraithkin  almost 8 years ago

    Bah. I miss my edit. link.

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    Wraithkin  almost 8 years ago

    Also, it’s been a pleasure. I don’t check the strips on the weekend. Good chat, twclix. And Alex, thanks for the support, but really… dial back on the epithets. It is just as negative coming from conservatives as it is from liberals. No matter how passionate we may be about our perspectives, let us not fall victim to our most basic of instincts: attack. I agree with your position; just try to ease back on the throttle a bit.

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