Michael Ramirez for April 30, 2016

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Why does George look like Nixon?

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  2. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 8 years ago

    Why does Ramirez always drift toward the obscure and ambiguous. Does he not have the talent to be insightful & didactic simultaneously?

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    lonecat  about 8 years ago

    Politics is usually based on interest rather than on morality. Sometimes morality is brought in to hide the interest, but that’s as far as it goes.

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  4. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    George looks like he is ready to throw up at the thought of a Trump or Cruz presidency.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    Apparently Ramirez thinks George Washington has knowledge of the state of affairs in the USA today, and the Praying President who won our independence on the battlefield seems to be appalled at the anti-Christian attitude so obvious in 2016.-Washington was correct, that our Constitutional government as established by the Founders does require a citizenry that honors and respects the God of the Bible and His Law that upholds God’s model of absolute Good versus absolute Bad.-On Carter and Obama, Carter seemed to be a Christian, but he has no excuse for his antipathy for the Jewish nation of Israel which is the modern fulfillment of God’s prophecies in His eternal plan for Israel to become the capitol of Earth when the Lord Jesus returns!-Obama came to the oval office with an Alinsky Plan to subvert the Founders’ pro-Bible government with Community Organizers who organize the transformation of free enterprise and pro-Christianity America into the Saul Alinsky type of Socialism, whether citizens recognize it or not when it takes control of every sector of American life.-I would not put Obama on the side of the God of the Bible.Boehner’s insult to a God-respecting Senator Cruz was more fitting for the 8 years of the Obama-led regime, IMO.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 8 years ago

    It’s good to remember that our government is mostly of the corporation people, for the corporation people and by the corporation people.

    And corporate morals are those espoused by the patron saint of ‘conservatives’, Milton Freidman:The responsibility of a corporation (people) is to make as much money as possible.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    While seeking a universal bedrock morality definition I ran across this:————————————————————————Millions of years of human evolution incline us to survive. Remember that to be good is first to be. Discussions about universal values are pointless if we can’t guarantee our survival. The conditions for survival are universal. Think of what you want more than anything else—unless your circumstances are unusual: your next breath! Here’s the list in descending order of urgency: clean air, temperature control through clothing and shelter, potable water, nutritious food, basic health care and education. I call these the “seductive six.”Much more than survival, however, we want to flourish. In 5,000 years of writing, we’ve seen five basic definitions of the grounds for flourishing: rationality as the exercise of reason in pursuit of our goals (Plato and Aristotle); pleasure (hedonists, Bentham and Mill); community (Mo Ti in China, Stoics, Nagarjuna in India, Christ); freedom as creativity (Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, existentialists); meditation as control of the attention (Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism). I call these the “fabulous five.” All are critical to guarantee survival.In our current circumstances, community is perhaps our most critical value. Unless we can view all seven billion humans as members of a single community, our survival will be jeopardized by the increasing power and threat of technology.Given the brain’s propensity for massive reduction, cultures may define themselves by commitment to one of the grounds for flourishing. Perhaps prompted by Plato and Aristotle, Western European and North American cultures fixated on the importance of rationality. The result? Enslavement, colonization and globalization of many parts of the world, with current threats to survival through global climate change, weapons of mass destruction, and the misery of billions in the Global South.Ancient African ethics in both Egypt and Ethiopia presented more balanced views of flourishing.My research team has published articles in the journal of Science and Engineering Ethics on these points, showing their practical consequences for engineering education and universities’ ethical responsibilities..Charles Verharen/Philosophy/Howard University

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @braindead….what I posted is not hate or dispite, it is the truth that “Carter seemed to be a Christian, but he has no excuse for his antipathy for the Jewish nation of Israel…”-That is the fact if you read news about Carter since 1980, and read his quoted statements. -IMO the Camp David deal, just like other US efforts in the Mideast, were mostly for the benefit of the anti-Jew Arabs than for benefitting Israel, who always had to give in and pay the price for any Western-led agreements.-George Bush treated Israeli leaders much better than Obama’s treatment of Prime Minister Netanyahu. As far as I know Bush kept all agreements with Israel on defense aid for the embattled nation that has been the target of Arabs since May 14, 1948. Have you forgotten the series of wars against Israel, braindead? Not to count the hostility in between wars.-God promised (Genesis 12) to reward those who blessed the Jews with good treatment, but God promised to punish those who cursed Jewish Israel, and gave evil treatment to them.- And for NT Christians, we are obligated as in Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Israel is “the apple of God’s eye”…..woe to whoever tries to harm Jewish Israel.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Or to spend his time slamming republicans like Carter, Clinton and Che-bama have.

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  10. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    “Liberals tend to insist on individual rights and are uncomfortable with pronouncements and institutions built on the foundations of “the ethics of community” and the “ethics of divinity” because they often lead to patriotic jingoism (overblown loyalty), inequality (subordination of the weak or disadvantaged) and exclusion (racism, proscriptive nationalism and other forms of purification). Conservatives, however, want a richer, more interdependent social life, which require a regulation of relationships that goes beyond harm and fairness to individuals. This includes limits to sexual relations, management of obligations and authority, and the control of group boundaries and borders. Liberals see Conservatives as “repressive.” Conservatives see liberals are “irresponsible.”.The combination of moral intuitions into a moral culture is not a natural or logical determination, but an underdetermined product of historical contingency and willful choice. Belief in moral “rightness” or “truth” is matter of faith.".https://www.edge.org/conversation/jonathan_haidt-what-makes-people-vote-republican.Not that many people are going to read this.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    DA: Carter recognized that the right-wingers in Israel WERE the start of almost every war, especially the ones they dragged us into in the Middle East. The blame for poor morality lies directly on those same radical righties, like Netanyahu and Likud, or AIPAC here in the US.

    Note on being led by minorities into danger: Israel has roughly 6 million Jews in their theocratic state, and almost half of them do NOT support Likud, Netanyahu, settlements on other peoples’ land, or attacking other nations in the region, or Gaza and the West Bank folks who BELONG on the land they’ve occupied for thousands of years.

    World-wide, roughly less than 20 milliion Jews, and around 30 million Sikhs, who are attacked in the US as “Muslims” which they are NOT. Which of those groups has the most powerful military, the most support from the US, and the most proclivity, for starting wars?

    It’s simply a matter of our own best interests to determine who our REAL friends are. HInt: they don’t shoot at US Naval vessels without provocation.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Friends don’t strap bombs to children and send them into a crowded cafe or bus. Or onto men or women and send them into a crowded cafe or bus. Or celebrate in the street when others do. Or offer their families payments when a family member does it.

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  13. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  almost 8 years ago

    Wow what a very narrow minded, one sided view. Everything you “claim” about Republicans, can be said about Democrats. Nice rant though, I suppose to you, your rant makes you just so much more enlightened.

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