Michael Ramirez for February 28, 2016

  1. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 8 years ago

    Judicial activism is what the court is guilty of when it rules against your party ideology. The people appear to want a court with a more liberal bias, so there will be more accusations in future by conservatives of court activism..By the way, the Hoover Dam was built by FDR’s Democratic administration during the 1930’s, partly for development of the U.S. Southwest and partly as a depression era project to put people back to work and stimulate the economy. Although planning for the dam had been underway for decades and by multi governments and administrations.

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    1941gko  over 8 years ago

    @Work and Social Programs: If the only jobs available don’t pay enough to cover room, board, and clothing at local costs; What Then? Y’all have bought into the propaganda that All poor are poor by choice and not circumstance because there are some “working” the system! PS – Moving to a job and/or education are not cost free options!

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Moving to a job has gone on for all of human history. It was either that or those choosing not to simply died in place. Now, we kill off peoples desire to succeed by giving them ways not to and calling that success. Seems to miss the point of progress.

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    piobaire  over 8 years ago

    The Hoover Dam and the Interstate Highway System are great examples of democratic socialism at work. Through elected officials, people decided to work together to build and maintain things that no individual could build. Keep that in mind the next time someone talks about democratic socialism negatively.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The Citizens United decision was not judicial activism?

    Gutting of the Voting Rights Act was not judicial activism?

    Oh wait, I forgot:It’s OKAY If A Republican Does It.

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  6. Gentaz btl
    wyneaux  over 8 years ago

    As usual Michael, you got it totally bass-ack-wards!

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    Contrary to the Senate Democrats waging propaganda pressure on the Majority Republicans on the floor of the Senate and in the obliging MSM, the Constitution, Article 2, Section 2 says “(the president) shall nominate, BY AND WITH THE ADVICE AND CONSENT of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, JUDGES OF THE supreme Court……”-I do not see any time requirement, I do not see any requirement for any certain number of Judges, and there is no formula on how to properly proceed on those nominations.-Since the Democrat history is to change the rules to suit their Democratic Party needs, they do have chutzpah to dictate to the majority GOP on this replacement of the Very Important Justice Scalia. Only a sudden arrival of a Martian would provide a sentient being on earth that does not know that no “moderate” nominee could possibly come from this Oval Office at this time.-The GOP is constitutionally correct to wait until a new president is sworn in (January 2017) for the nomination.I printed out an opinion of Liberal USSC Justice Stephen Breyer in an article by Evan Gahr last Fridan at http://dailycaller.com that “there is no urgency to replace Scalia because 5-4 decisions are Uncommon.” -Justice Breyer was talking to the NBC correspondent Pete Williams at the Newseum in D.C. “Contrary to what a lot of people think, HALF of our cases are unanimous. The number of 5-4 cases in a typical year is around 20%.”-I also read that in case of a 4-4 tie the lower court’s decision stands, and that the USSC 8 have the option to delay the written decision in 2016 for a re-debate and vote in 2017.-As usual the Dem’s natural urge to Dominate drives them to microphones and they use their experience to speak inanities with straight faces! (IMO)

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    j  over 8 years ago

    You can stop comparing today’s GOP to the past politicians. They have gone to an extreme that is beyond compare.

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    Duke of Omnium  over 8 years ago

    What a ridiculous and insipid cartoon. Two points for the metaphor, but minus three points for its utter inaptness.

    One of the biggest lies that conservatives tell is that they don’t want judicial activism. Anyone who believes this didn’t see the scorn they heaped on Roberts when he didn’t overturn Obamacare. What conservatives want is judicial activism in their favor.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    ’W"’s appointment by Scalia and SCOTUS wa perhaps the ultimate Judicial activism.

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  11. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 8 years ago

    Are you serious?? JFK wouldn’t recognize today’s ultra left Democratic Party.

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  12. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 8 years ago

    Very good cartoon. Once again Michael is able to convey the truth in 1 simple panel.

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    markjoseph125  over 8 years ago

    So, Scalia was the great hero. And Ramirez is the great bozo.

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    markjoseph125  over 8 years ago

    In case anyone here is still thinking of Scalia as the great hero, this article, written by one of his clerks, about Scalia’s anti-science outlook and all-around meanness might help you understand him a bit better. Of course, his being anti-science might actually be a plus for some of the people here, probably including the cartoonist.

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