Michael Ramirez for July 22, 2010

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    I believe elections have consequences. Obama was elected and unless he nominates a completely unqualified candidate he should get his choice.

    But just to remind you Sen Obama voted no on Roberts and Alito. Roberts was the single most qualified nominee in the last 20 years. What has been happening is the Democrats vote in mass against each and every Republican nominee and the Republicans still vote yes. See Ginsberg, Breyer, Roberts, Thomas, and Alito.

    I thought Sotomayer was very weak and Kagan a little stronger but would have voted yes on both.

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    eksteen  almost 14 years ago

    The real loser is Michael Ramirez. Is this cartoon, funny, insightful, stimulating? Did Obama create the BP oil spill? Is there and alternative universe where you don’t have to make sense?

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  3. Buddy
    lalas  almost 14 years ago

    I repeat: When did oil spills become the responsibility of the gov’t? What did all you haters say when Poppy Bush sat on his hands during Exxon Valdez?

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    No the left set the precedent. Remember Katrina and how it was all the fault of Bush. He had as much control over nature as Obama has for the oil spill. But still it was a wonderful opportunity to harm a political opponent. Doesn’t seem fair, does it?

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    LIB - Back to reality:

    The complaint about Bush wasn’t that Katrina was his fault the complaints were that it took so long to respond and get aid to those that needed it.

    Even after it started the aid was handled badly, and people continued to suffer.

    Bush said that they had no warning the Katrina would be so bad and that the levies might fail. Which turned out to be a lie because they had been warned on both accounts.

    Slow, poorly handled response, and lying were the charges against Bush and they were all true.

    That is the reality.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago
    and Obama has done better with the oil spill?

    The screw up with Katrina was local. Once again you want big big overpowering government to totally run all of our lives and we want local and state governments to take over whenever possible. In Katrina the mayor and Governor screwed up.

    If we made as the consitution demands the Federal govt 1/2 size and the states full size the question never would have arisen.

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    CRL29P  almost 14 years ago

    Big government should have commandeered every plane, train & bus to get people out of Katrina’s way. Fault goes from the Feds down to the parish, & everywhere between.

    BP is guilty of criminal negligence, as are the regulators & those who appointed them. (Bush? Clinton? ¿Nixon? Not Barry.)

    (Cookies are goofing, again. I’m ChukLitl)

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    NoFearPup  almost 14 years ago

    Cookies are goofing? I’ve noticed, after gocomics server maintenance on Monday - I can’t get to this site straight through my browser…a “500 internal server error” page comes up. I found a back-door way to access the site but it is very frustrating to have to do it.

    Has anybody else experienced this trouble?

    I am assuming that gocomics up-graded something and my ancient software is incompatible…Could be anything…maybe a hi-jacker-trojan…

    [I dumped my cookies and now I can access the site normally.]

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    FEMA was actually pretty functional bB (before Bush) as was MMS and a number of other agencies. Yes, if rules hadn’t been changed, inspectors removed, and companies given control, the spill wouldn’t likely have happened, or been as severe, but wait, that was well, Bush’s fault. Two oil company dudes letting oil companies write their own rules, do their own inspections, and determine their own penalties and royalties- whod’a guessed?

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  10. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Both Kagan and Obama are moderates, and are NOT part of the problem. That is the solution. The people with the ‘experience’ the racist tax-cut-for-the-rich Right approve of are those who created this mess.

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  11. Buddy
    lalas  almost 14 years ago

    Libertarian – mitigating the disaster wrought by a hurricane has been the job of FEMA for a long time…. when did oil spills become the job of the gov’t?

    Seriously answer the question.

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    JoeRaisin  almost 14 years ago

    If it turns out that negligence caused the blow out (and it appears it did) then someone (or someones) from BP should go to jail.

    Where it becomes Obama’s issue is allowing the escaping oil to reach shore by obstructing a timely clean up.

    Deliberate or incompetence?

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    petergrt  almost 14 years ago

    It took 0bama only 72 days to allow some foreign vessels to help with the cleanup.

    The most incompetent of presidents, GWB, took all of 3 days to do that following Katrina.

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    NoFearPup  almost 14 years ago

    “His behaviour suggests two-dimensional thinking, Admiral.”

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Kagan is going to require a good supply of anti-depressants to cope in “Mr. Roberts’ Neighborhood”.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    PETE – Are you saying it took Bush 3 days to find New Orleans, or that it took Bush 3 days to have foreign vessels help with the clean-up?

    If you are saying it took Bush 3 days to get help to New Orleans that is a long time for something that was all over the national news.

    Obama reacted within 1 day, and kept on GP from the git-go.

    Please explain to me why foreign vessels are better then American?

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    World’s largest oil skimmer came in for a TEST. It’s still untested, and was having “problems”.

    CFR title 30 is MMS, and has a lot of stuff on spill reaction/responsibilities, many changed in 2007.

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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Bruce, to a degree you indeed have nailed the real problem, which is of course present in any large corporation as well. Yes, I now FUBAR and SNAFU- it is not restricted to “government”.

    What bothers me today is that I saw complexity HUGELY increased in the Bush years, so that the left really didn’t know what the right was doing, because the right didn’t even know!

    State governments vary wildly around the country in efficiency. One thing that HAS changed is those “triplicate” forms don’t exist anymore due to computers- instead we have programs (like agencies) that don’t speak to each other because of incompetent design.

    While multiple administrations HAVE added to the mess, folks don’t realize that it IS indeed, within administrations that regulations, Instruction Memos, and Information memos are written that truly FUBAR the intent of Congress, and law.

    Having recently been reviewing Titles 43 and 30 with regard to “what went wrong” in administering BP, that led t the spill and “failures”- vast (favorable to the oil companies) changes were made in 2007, but even THOSE were ignored by BP, because all the oversight and inspections had been pulled by the administration.

    It IS the function of the Supreme Court to review with oversight what Congress and Administrations do, which is why that body needs to see balance, and NO “political” agendas- appointments should speak to THAT, and not “preserving OUR advantage”- no matter whose.

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  19. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    In the alternative universe called convero-land, Obama took over BP before the spill. Hence, the spill is his fault. Keep up people!

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