Bob Gorrell for July 20, 2010

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    Doreen Rice Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I am with you Dr. Canuck!!! All the ridiculous arguements about unemployment insurance - do people not understand that you don’t get it if you did not WORK!!!????

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - I paid taxes for that INSURANCE and if I need it - I am going to USE IT!!!!!!

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    ANDY - The problem is the amount of real unemployment that Bush gave us — why why why can’t you understand that it is true that millions of American’s lost their job, which also means that millions of business went out of business – there, as they say on Mythbusters “is your problem.”

    According to liar Andy the recession wasn’t Bush’s fault and all of the unemployment was caused by Obama, or his always like to say BosOTUS.

    Andy if lies could get us out of this recession then you would be our #1 hope.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    From the HuffPost!!!

    “Bush 2001-2008 5.2% unemployment

    Obama 2009-2010 9.5% unemployment

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    What’s your point, Libby? That’s like the old joke, “I fell 75 feet without a scratch! Unfortunately, I’d fallen from a height of 80 feet!”

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^^^ - Looks like Clinton wins. From what I found, Clinton enjoyed around 4.0% unemployment.

    The Clinton years were unquestionably a time of progress, especially on the economy […] Clinton’s 1992 slogan, ‘Putting people first,’ and his stress on ‘the economy, stupid,’ pitched an optimistic if still gritty populism at a middle class that had suffered under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. […] By the end of the Clinton presidency, the numbers were uniformly impressive. Besides the record-high surpluses and the record-low poverty rates, the economy could boast the longest economic expansion in history; the lowest unemployment since the early 1970s; and the lowest poverty rates for single mothers, black Americans, and the aged

    Incidentally I believe the 5.2% was in 2002. What was Bush’s unemployment in 2008?

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  6. Jude
    tcolkett  almost 14 years ago

    ANandy isn’t even worth commenting on. Why don’t we just start ignoring that idiot?

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    raycity  almost 14 years ago

    illegals seem to have jobs.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    tcolkett - Thanks for the advice, I’ll take it.

    To use an old comment of mine - “Don’t try to teach a pig to dance, it angers the pig, and frustrates you.”

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    SherriannPederson  almost 14 years ago

    …. WHY work when you can be eliminated and live COMFORTABLY on your TRUST FUND???

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    jqmcd  almost 14 years ago

    This cartoon is completely ludicrous. The idea that the benefits would be preferable to a real salary. What planet does this guy live on?

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    petergrt  almost 14 years ago

    Who was in charge of the Congress / purse, through the much of Clinton years?

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  12. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago


    That old GOP line, when a Democrat is in the whitehouse and GOP control congress, anything good that happens is because of the GOP congress.

    Conversely, GOP President, Democrat congress, anything good that happens is because of the GOP President.

    Hmmm, interesting pattern here, I think it’s called delusion.

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