(th)ink by Keith Knight for January 14, 2016

  1. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 8 years ago

    This is easily seen when a white group takes over a park verses a woman who changes lanes without a turn signal. When you see the videos of white drivers yelling at cops verses black kids being shot for crossing the street against the light. If you don’t see it – you are being handled by a lil white kitten.

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    vwdualnomand  over 8 years ago

    is that why that cleveland cop shot and killed a 12 year old who had a toy gun? is that why that charlotte copy had to fire 12 bullets into a guy who crawled out of his crashed vehicle? Is that why that charleston cop shot that guy in the back and planted a weapon on his dead body? is that why in Oklahoma, cops will do civil forfeiture of anyone, take money, cash, etc…and is that why cops will shoot and kill your dog when they show up at a residence? and, is that why swat tossed a flash bang into a playpen, injuring a 1 year old.

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  3. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago
    sense trouble ahead in the next couple decades …

    “Minorities accounted for 93.3% of the nation’s population growth from April 1, 2010 (Census day) to July 1, 2011, according to Census Bureau data released today. Of the total population growth of 2.8 million during that period, the total increase for non-Hispanic whites was only 192,000.” http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/05/17/explaining-why-minority-births-now-outnumber-white-births/

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Less than 30 seconds and the officer decided Tamir Rice was a threat.Having said that, there are those in the Black Lives Matter movement that are feeding into the Conservative stance that they only want confrontation.Calling for resignations and firings of prosecutors shows a lack of understanding of the grand jury process. In Cleveland they want transcripts released, and are suing, even though Ohio law says those transcripts can’t be released. (A flaw in the system).Shutting down a candidate like Bernie Sanders at a speech isn’t fostering a dialogue, nor is it getting any message across other than the arrogance of WE WILL BE HEARD! They are no better than Joe Wilson, who shouted YOU LIE at Obama during his State of the Union several years ago.

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    It would be nice if there were a simple, one size fits all solution, but there isn’t. Children today are the size and weight of adults from 3-4 decades ago and still growing … and easily mistaken for adults, With the advent of an all volunteer armed service supplying the police academies with a more aggressive recruit, today’s police are quite different than yester-year’s police. The population is more dense and more diverse. With the racial balances in flux, some are feeling disenfranchised, even threatened, by the new demographics. Our politicians, have put in place, untested measures, and are slow to accept the failed results. Ironically, the deeply religious are less compassionate in the new evangelical, self-actualized models than the members of old established religions or even unaffiliated citizens. In-sourcing, out-sourcing, automation, college loans, underwater mortgages, and the lower wages in a service versus manufacturing society have created stresses that not all are prepared to deal with. Society changes over time and what was normal 30 years ago is atypical today and vice-versa. Finding the root cause, requires some patience and deep thinking, not a one size fits all remedy that worked one tine in the past.

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  6. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    “If the powers that be, or the people, don’t fix this very soon we are all goin’ down.”Yup, interesting that the quality of education does not diminish for the poor in other OECD countries, I view American politicians, for the most part, as either intellectually inept or morally corrupt and definitely not what the founders envisioned as a government working for the people, … the founders did not expect a return to a feudal society.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    superpositionIt might help to know the difference between fertility (the physical ability to reproduce) and fecundity (the actual rate of reproduction). Then you might notice such things as laws against Planned Parenthood enforcing the lack of family planning in the ghettos, school board budgets that deprive low income neighborhood schools of the funds that they provide to the wealthy (hitting white learning as well as black, preserving “us against t hem” divisions so beneficial to the power of the powerful), and that doesn’t even get into the terrorist matter of police shootings requiring more children so the family has a chance of surviving to the next generation.

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  8. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 8 years ago

    Sad but true. I had hoped it was an issue that wouldn’t matter anymore what race you are, but all the closet racists have stomped out of their nasty closets.

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