Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for January 13, 2016

  1. Gerberadaisy
    Tirasmol  over 8 years ago

    You’re not missing much anyway. The actors in those things are terrible. (Not that I would know! … )

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  2. Img 20181009 125216
    patlaborvi  over 8 years ago

    Vincent Price and Red Skelton use to tell the same story about the first time they went to an adult movie, as near as I can tell it’s the exact same story but here it is from Vincent’s side. Vincent and Red were working on the same movie and one day when they were waiting to be called to the set they started talking about adult movies and what a bad influence they had on the film industry. Suddenly they realized that neither one of them had ever seen an adult film and they were just repeating what other people had told them about the industry so the two of them agreed that they wouldn’t talk about the subject until they’d both seen an adult feature and could talk for themselves.A few weeks later Vincent was in a city on a promotional tour for the movie, no one knew he was in town and the radio interview had been pre-recorded and wouldn’t air until later in the day so he decided it was the perfect time to take in an adult film. He got in his rental car and drove around until he found an adult theater, he parked about a 1/2 mile away from the theater and put on a trench coat and wide brimed slouch hat to hide his face and walked back to the theater. He walked up to the ticket booth and disguised his voice as he asked for a ticket, and the woman in the booth replied, “Of course Mr. Price.” Vincent turned around and left as fast as he could walk. Eventually he did see an adult film and he and Red were able to continue their original discussion.I heard Vincent’s story about 1980, about a year ago I saw Red on a late night talk show telling the same story almost word for word except that he was the one going to the theater and recognized by the ticket girl.

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