Clay Bennett for November 11, 2015

  1. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 8 years ago

    nice try, but wrong windmill.

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    BigShell  over 8 years ago

    Of course liberals don’t want anyone to watch. You might actually hear some good ideas. You might even learn something.

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  3. Chpic
    Nov Nov Man  over 8 years ago

    Take the date of the 2016 election. Subtract today’s date. That’s why.

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  4. Gbh
    Gr8Blue  over 8 years ago

    I believe you have the wrong figure. 67 million viewers watched the first Kennedy/Nixon debate which was nearly a third of the country’s population at the time. Last night’s debate scored an 8.9 rating which meant that it drew more than 10 million voters. That was less than the 9.5 rating for the CNBC debate. The number of viewers for that one was given at 14 million viewers. That leaves last night’s at somewhere between 10 and 14 million, somewhat short of your 67 million claim and less than your number (15 million) for the Democratic debate. My sources are and

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  5. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  over 8 years ago

    The Republican debate scores well becaue everyone loves a circus, especially the clown acts which is about all the Republicans have.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    largest TV audience…..intelligent but polite moderators…..serious topics and issues…..allowed time for full answers……2 hours of voter education.-The only complainers I have heard today are the Liberal/Lefties who probably did not understand any of the questions and answers….LOL

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @Christopher Shea….Trump said no such thing as “wages are too high”……the subject was the proposed federal minimum wage law increase (a mandate put on all business owners) which is being promoted by liberals——$15 an hour for first time, usually teenage, jobs…..and Trump knows that raising the minimum wage means historically that fewer people get hired as businesses must stay in the black ink and not go out of business and workers lose all the jobs of the bankrupt business! Teenagers have a very high unemployment rate already….IMO a mandate for $15 an hour (which the government doesn’t have to worry about paying) would raise teenage unemployment.-I’m sure Trump pays high wages for experienced and educated and trained employees. Wages should not be set by any government. This nation was founded for freedom…including going into business, hiring with agreement between boss and workers….and with opportunity comes responsibility and sensible management for success for owner and for workers.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    OK….my mistake as to which “wages” you meant.-But isn’t It obvious that in competition with foreign systems, we do have TOO HIGH TAXES, HIGH PRICES, AND TOO HIGH WAGES?- If Trump meant that lowering the US tax rates is necessary before trying to compete with foreign prices and wages….it seems logical that the market would then adjust itself. IMO.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Taping and fast forward saves you a lot of that two hours you might have wasted, but you don’t miss any actual content.

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  10. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    Why is that Democrats?.Sensible just can’t compete with Batsh!t Insane when it comes to Entertainment value..Well, that and the Football game.

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  11. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    According to the New York Times, your Numbers are just a Tiny Bit OFF..Republican Debate Draws 13 Million Viewers as Ratings Slip

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  12. Missing large
    kline0800  over 8 years ago repeated today in a speech, that US wages are too high, and he added “people are going to start firing workers” (so businesses can survive)… if Trump is correct, and workers do lose jobs, it’s an economic fact at that point that US wages WERE “too high”….-IMO our failure to really “recover” from what the Feds caused in 2008, the burst “bubble” and a recession resulted, is the fault of the government. That seems to be the 21st century cycle….government causes problems so government can “fix it” by taking over more and more of the private sector.

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  13. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Which lie finished you off?

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  14. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 8 years ago

    Republican Debate Draws 13 Million Viewers

    I’m sure it will be difficult for you to grasp, but 13 is not the same as 67.

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  15. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 8 years ago

    Perfect title for the Republican “debate”. I’m happy to say that I did not watch any of the latest event. I wouldn’t vote for any of those radical, destructive demagogues even if the only other option was the neoliberal corporatist Hillary Clinton.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @Gr8Blue….you posted= “disgustedamerican said, about 19 hours ago”- “largest TV audience…..intelligent but polite moderators…..serious topics and issues…..allowed time for full answers……2 hours of voter education.”-Did you not understand that the entire paragraph was about Fox Business News channel? -I printed out a Deadline/Hollywood 11/11/15 article by Lisa de Moraes, with its headline "GOP DEBATE LOGS 13.5 MILLION VIEWERS, RECORD FOR FOX BUSINESS NEWS.-And I have seen several opinion pieces on the Net that praise FBN for the excellent quality debate, and the quality moderators, Cavuto, Bartiromo and Baker for the 2 hour Q-A of the top 8 GOP candidates. Also praised were the Economic Issues questions and the 8 candidates answers, on serious subjects every voter should be interested in.-I thought it was so far above CNBC’s product, except for the commercial breaks, it was C-SPAN quality political TV.

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  17. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 8 years ago

    denis1112 said, 67 million viewers for last nights debate.15 million for the Democrat debate if one could call it that.Why is that Democrats?-——————————————Because Lessig was not allowed to participate, and that meant no real debate.

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    38lowell  over 8 years ago

    Motivemagus:Those folks are all retired.Now, we have folks that voted democrat, twice in a row.No middle class, no strong labor force, higher taxes, poorer education, no jobs, broke retirees.Where to start?

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