Mike Lester for September 19, 2015

  1. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 8 years ago

    In Texas the schools are a little weak on science, that is why the kid scared everybody. They can’t tell the difference between and electronic clock and a package of explosive material and because they are paranoid they figured the kid had to be lying when he said it was a home brew digital clock. At least the kid got a scholarship to a real school.

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    Our Grandfather Clock has no GPS …so it’s really a Grandfather Timer.

    Why use Raspberry Pi when an Arduino is all you need?

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  3. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Uncle Sam ain’t the one who screwed up…

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  4. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 8 years ago

    The correct terms are timerwise and countertimerwise (widdershins).

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    Orthocuban  over 8 years ago

    Lester, this is absolutely awful. The kid had already talked with another teacher and shown him the clock. The incident had nothing in common with Boston or worse 9/11. You have condoned the mistreatment of innocent children, and yes, actually I now agree with your supposed liberal lady. You are an Islamophobe.

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 8 years ago

    This cartoon would work better if Lester had drawn both figures as scarecrows.Coz after all, he IS making a straw-man argument here.

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  7. Art1c 2
    dre7861  over 8 years ago

    If the school officials thought the clock was really a bomb why didn’t they evacuate the school? Why did they keep the “bomb” with them in their offices inside the school building? Why was it that the police were so quick to slap the cuffs on the kid but so slow to remove the bomb from where it could possible kill or main innocent school children? Either someone was trying to make an example of this poor kid or the school officials and police department was woefully inadequate in their response to the other children’s safety.

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  8. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    “Let me ask 1 simple question: I travel around the world with my kids (13/15). Would TSA/other airports just allow my son (who is a real science/robotics genius), to pass through with this “clock”. He is not black or Muslim. What does that have to do with it? Will he be invited to the White House if he was embarrassed or taken in custody (even temporarily) by the TSA/Airport police? Would they have to apologize? I don’t think so. He should not have brought it to get on a plane (or school for that matter). No matter if it’s in a pencil box.”

    I see youngsters labeled as genius who have done no more than link together professionally designed hardware and software components to create a robot and I have also seen the real geniuses who have designed their own computer chips and their own assembly language from the ground up. I wish I could say most of them were Americans. There are degrees of ambition and rigor that some delight in and others choose to avoid by using prior efforts to simplify the task of building a robot by using the work of others. I had hoped that when Prescott Bush, among others put down the fear and paranoia generated by McCarthyism, we would be a country where we were free from fear. The continued presence of the Homeland Security and the excessive airport measures show that we are again afraid of our shadows … an awful time for kid to have to grow through. I do not think that repackaging an old clock in a pencil box is worth any of the attention it in getting from either side of our binary political system. I do wish that they would compromise on some important issues that affect all the American children instead of continually trying to blame each for everything that they can.

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  9. Missing large
    djauka Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The reaction of the school admin had nothing to do with the facts or the threat. How many kids have been suspended for pointing a finger and saying bang. Hell, there was one kid who took a bite out of a donut who was suspened becasue what was left looked like a pistol. If a kid takes an Aspirin to school he can get kicked out. There is no more common sense left.

    As to this, how many of you really think TSA would let the kid take the contraption aboard an airplane?

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Several teachers saw the clock and thought it was cool. One then freaked, and folks went a little nuts. Saw one comment that the kid could have continued to explain himself better, but . . .

    Comparing this incident based on the facts to a pressure cooker bomb or yes, lowly boxcutter, is as idiotic as paranoid.

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  11. Linkingbookchannelwood
    toahero  over 8 years ago

    This wasn’t the kid’s fault, but it wasn’t because of islamphobia either. It’s because of stupid school no-tolerance rules.

    Obama is inviting this kid to the white house, but for some reason he overlooked all the other kids dealing with stupid school rules http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/16/race-grifters-unite-14-year-old-ahmed-mohamed-arrested-over-suitcase-clock/

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  12. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 8 years ago

    @cdward*So ,a change to Sharia Law would be OK by you?" . . . . -—————————————————————No, not at all. Horrid even to think of it. .But don’t forget that Carson belongs to a Seven-day Adventist group that strongly believes that the world will soon come to an end. They firmly believe in things that would outlaw most of what Sharia fanatics would outlaw. .A firm underpinning is that all who worship on Sunday are worshiping Satan. The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, and the pope is the Anti-Christ as described in the Bible. The Bible is 100% true, with world created in 6 days, real days, not eons or the like.

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