Clay Bennett for August 26, 2015

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    ARodney  over 8 years ago

    As Hillary said, they’re called “babies.” It’s been a long-running joke that conservatives only love and protect babies until they’re born, after which they become moochers who should die from malnutrition and lack of health care. It’s nice for all 17 GOP candidates to demonstrate that the caricature is completely accurate.

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    Wacky Jacky  over 8 years ago

    “If a young woman breaks in your house,and she has a baby while shes in your house,does that mean you should have to feed ,cloth,house,educate the child till they drop out in the 8th or 9th grade,provide spending money,and an Obama phone to them for life?”

    If she says your the father then several states would say yes.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    What’s interesting is our own “anchor baby” Cruz coming by way of dual citizenship with Canada first, from Cuba, which, how many “wet foot, dry foot” Cubans ARE in the U.S. who would have been sent back if from Honduras, Guatamala, or Mexico as illegals under the same physical conditions of entry?

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 8 years ago

    If you are born here, you are a citizen. Period.

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    Jeanne Sipahigil  over 8 years ago

    You mean like Bobby Jindel? His parents were non-citizens when he was born.

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    ARodney  over 8 years ago

    Any child who is born here, regardless of his parents’ citizenship, is a net plus to the USA over the course of their lives. Denis1112 is parroting Trump’s ignorant racist rant last night on the topic. Neither of you has the facts on your side. (Besides, it’s not an “Obama phone,” it’s a “Reagan phone.” Read your history.)

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  7. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    Not the Same as President Obama.The President was actually Born IN the USA as well as having an American Mother..Crazy Cruz was Born in Canada to an Cuban Father and an American Mother..Actually, under the Law at the time, Cruz Parents needed to notify the American Embassy in Canada within a certain Time Period to Claim his Citizenship. There is a small bit of speculation that they might have Missed the deadline and had to apply for an Exception Later on in life..The Records seem to be Missing, though..

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  8. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 8 years ago

    I have seen the T-shirt, with the snake, and “Don’t tread on me” printed underneath very often (worn by the man eating). It is available at many outlets.

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  9. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I have no problem with the term ‘illegal’ nor ‘anchor baby’.

    Anchor babies have been used for claims of citizenship for at least a couple generations. But anchor babies are not used solely by Mexicans, nor solely by illegals.

    For evidence, look no further than Republican candidate ‘Bobby’ Jindal.

    While I realize that word selection is important in the rhetoric around issues, unless someone comes up with a more accurate phrase than either, I think they should both be used.

    Not all illegals are working — hard to be accurate about the percentage. And to call them ‘undocumented’ is to imply that there has just been a mixup of some kind and their papers are on someone’s desk or in the mail.

    But then….

    To say that it’s too hard to identify illegals that businesses hire is totally disengenuous. Any efforts to do so have been been very rare. And the California agriculture effort by two Republican freshman assemblymen was immediately quashed by their own party.

    Trump is another anecdotal example. He will rid the country of illegals ‘so fast it will make your head spin’ but has not eliminated them from his own enterprises.

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  10. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    “My point was that 0bama is a citizen regardless of where he was born. I never understood why the “birthers” ever thought it mattered where he was born.”

    It did not matter and they knew it the entire time. It was just another aspect of the right wing effort to damage Obama in any way possible. As with their other efforts, facts/truth do not matter in the slightest.

    It was not a fringe element. It included Trump when he was an official in Romney’s campaign and Romney took a swipe at it in Michigan.

    You’ll notice it went away immediately after the election.

    It had the same basis in fact as the Fox “news” repeated “reporting” of Obama’s trip to Asia that supposedly cost $100 million per day.

    There are other examples.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Obama never held dual citizenship like Cruz. Cruz had to dump Canada.

    Our grandaughter was born in New Zealand to American parents, and received dual citizenship, her folks must live there another year plus to acquire New Zealand for “dual”.

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    pmaerz  over 8 years ago

    He didn’t say to “throw it in the street to die”. Don’t be overly dramatic, all he said is to have the country the person really belongs to take care of it. Additionally, if they want to come to the country they should do so legally.

    Lastly, when the 14th amendment was passed it was never intended to be used this way, the person that fathered the bill specifically said so, unfortunately due to poor wording and activist supreme courts we get anchor babies.

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  13. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    ‘“It was just another aspect of the right wing effort to damage Obama in any way possible.”.Except that it was first suggested by Hillary Clinton during the primary campaign.’

    That has no bearing on my point.—But you knew that.

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  14. Missing large
    pmaerz  over 8 years ago

    I have no problem keeping the family together – that doesn’t mean they should stay here. Stop confusing the issue...If a prisoner has a baby with his wife then can he argue he shouldn’t be forced to go to jail – no, he… wait for it… broke the law and has to pay the penalty. I wonder if ILLEGAL immigrants have broken the law and should pay the penalty (deportation) despite having a baby? The baby should obviously go with the parents back home. If the child wants to come back after they are old enough, or with people coming legally then that would be great.

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