Chip Bok for August 24, 2015

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    emptc12  over 8 years ago

    Is it possible that Seniors with money in low-interest bank savings accounts and others fearing to invest in the stock market will finally get a little more return? Their “senior tax,” a subsidy for the economy, was never appreciated, it seems to me.

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    The global linkage of the world’s economies is more profound in its effect than in the past. The old, local solutions will have less effect.

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    ARodney  over 8 years ago

    Well, the economy is doing a lot better than it did under any recent Republican, if that’s what you’re asking about. We’ve had the longest uninterrupted job expansion since the 1960s. But remember that we have had a Republican budget for the past six years, blocking all jobs bills and infrastructure spending, killing unemployment insurance, and raising sales taxes in the states to benefit the rich. So the economy could be doing a LOT better, as could America. .As to the cartoon, raising interest rates in a slow economy is terrible for everyone and will kill the anemic recovery we’ve had. Which I guess is why conservatives consider it crucial. They haven’t learned from Japan in the 1990s, from Europe in 2010, and from Sweden just recently, because modern conservativism means never learning any lessons from anything that actually happens in the actual world.

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    debauche  over 8 years ago

    Wow! Let’s all move to Canada!

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    About time and consequences: Social Security dates back a while, and has been good for milliions of Americans because of “progressives”.

    The economic disaster that hit in 2008 under “w” traces back to actions taken by the Reagan/Bush 41 adminstrations and changes not in law, but in REGULATIONS they changed, or wrote that turned banking and “investment” companies into a leglized mafia. This analysis comes not from me, but my late brother-in-law who retired as a Vice President at Bank of America before the changes hit, and he observed he no longer recognized the corporaton, and “industry”, he spent decades working for.

    As for Wall Street, no matter how the customer gains or suffers, the brokers now always profit, because of Reagan rule changes. It’s also the prophets of paranoia who manipulate those markets to folks who panic like a barn full of turkeys if a car backfires.

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  6. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 8 years ago

    Over the last 4 years I put together enough money to buy my first house. For the last year I have been getting more recruiters reaching out to me for job offers. Sales at my company have gone up. From where I sit the economy has been improving.

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    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    Did Bok really intend to spoof the GOP’s sacred “Trickle Down” economic theory?

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    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    @yoicksJust remmember that under President George W. Bush, the unemployment rate increased while, under President Barack H. Obama, the unemployment rate decreased. But, please, don’t let facts influence your thinking.

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  9. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    Which would be Fine if the Republican Definition of “Boat” weren’t restricted to only Floating Objects that cost over $1,000,000 .Everything Cheaper than that is classed as a “Navigation Hazard”..

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