The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for February 19, 2018

  1. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  about 6 years ago

    Middletown, PA, the town on shore by TMI, received between 5 and 8 times more radiation from the accident at Chernobyl than it did from the accident at TMI. (Personal communication with the head of PA’s nuclear monitoring agency.) The elevated radiation in the area comes from the Brunner Is. coal-fired power plant, 3 miles down river. It burns 3.5 million tons of coal every year and releases a bunch of radioactive nucleides contained therein from the stack. It’s slowly converting to natural gas, on balance a big improvement, fracking notwithstanding.

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  2. Rocketman a
    Ed Brault Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I was dating a girl from Harrisburg when the TMI flap started. She told me the reporters were doing more to spread misinformation and incite panic than anything else. I was an Air Force Nuclear Accident Responder at the time, and what I saw/heard on TV/Radio was appalling. Those clowns from the press wouldn’t know a Rad from a campus radical, and were proud of their ignorance. You get more radiation flying coast-to-coast than you would standing next to a power reactor containment vessel, or living in Denver, CO.

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