Nick Anderson for July 15, 2015

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    codewalla  almost 9 years ago

    Bibi? Blech

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  2. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  almost 9 years ago

    This is the guy sitting on a pile of undeclared nukes and delivery systems. A total dishonest phony liar.

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    kline0800  almost 9 years ago

    Netanyahu is the closest on earth to being God’s man in national office.-Genesis 12:3 is God’s eternal promise to bless those nations and persons who bless Israel, God’s Chosen People, and God also promises to curse whoever curses His Jewish tribes descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.-Haters of Netanyahu and Israeli Jews will be “rewarded” by God who made their nation eternal on an eternal earth.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    It’s time to turn Bibi off, like ALL foreign aid to Israel until they stop selling weapons systems around the world, give back the lands they’ve stolen, lift the seige on Gaza, and submit to IAEA and U.S. inspections of THEIR nuclear program, and come clean on how many bombs they’ve got.

    Israel is NOT a state of the Union and Bibi is not elected here, and should have NO CALL on U.S. foreign, OR domestic policy. Enough is enough already, no more Netanyhu! (and yes he IS a killer and warmonger, just look at Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, well you start to get the real “poor little Israel” picture.)

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  5. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Disgusted American: is that the same Bible that condones slavery and polygamy and in which god commands that non-virgin brides be stoned (not talkin’ about weed there) or that unmarried rape victims be forced to marry their rapists? Sorry, our nation — including our foreign policy — is secular and not based on the old legends of ancient mythologies of primitive tribal peoples. The same people who warned us about Iraq’s nuclear weapons (the mushroom cloud) that didn’t exist are now whining about a president who has worked with our other international allies and actually taken bold steps based on intense and intrusive verification, to ensure that Iran cannot obtain nuclear weapons. Is the agreement perfect? Compromises never are. But it was Iran who did most of the compromising and the U.S. and our western allies held firm. Those who whine never offer any alternative, because the only alternative, like the last time they guessed wrong, is more wars to enrich the corporate “defense contractors” of the military establishment who profiteer off the deaths and suffering of our brave heroes.

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  6. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Fact: this deal includes internationally verifiable and enforceable provisions to ensure that Iran will NOT be able to get a nuclear weapon. The alternative is either to do NOTHING or, worse, start yet another unwinnable Mideast war. And here’s what else Netanyahoo, the Republicans and Faux “News” are not reminding of you. This is an INTERNATIONAL agreement with many of our European allies. If the U.S. does not participate in this agreement, the international sanctions — which brought Iran to their knees and forced massive concessions — will end. If we wanted to continue those sanctions, they would no longer be international in scope, it would just be the United States acting along which would do nothing. Your way? Lose the sanctions so we have zero leverage and then all we can do is go to war.

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    twclix  almost 9 years ago

    This toon rings true to me.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Bibi only speaks for Sheldon Adelson, one of the world’s largest casino owners and his largest donor.

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