Mike Lester for July 07, 2015

  1. Me 9 at darth b
    Mickey and Delia  almost 9 years ago

    The Greeks have been totally irresponsible. They had a good government that, when told they could no longer pay pensions and had to sell off all Greece to pay their sovereign debts, said they’d have to have a referendum. The Troika explained that a referendum was illegal, so they cancelled it, which was right, and shut all the government hospitals and stopped wasting money on pensions and put up all Greece to be privatized, meaning sold off at foreclosure prices, which is what they should have done..But in January the Greeks elected an evil government that said it had to waste money feeding the elderly and the hungry. When told that was illegal, they called a referendum. The Troika patiently pointed out that a referendum was, is, and always will be illegal for a country that can’t pay its sovereign debts. But they had a referendum anyway, in clear violation of International Law..And now the Greeks will get what’s coming to them. The Troika decided last week that the best thing for the Euro is Grexit, and said that Greece could only stay if they paid up 100% of what they owe (which the Greeks don’t have). So the Greeks will have no money at all, and the rest of the EU will be MUCH better off..https://www.stratfor.com/weekly/greek-vote-and-eu-miscalculation?utm_source=freelist-f&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Gweekly&utm_campaign=20150707&utm_content=readmoretext&mc_cid=fe84a80645&mc_eid=e61b98804d#

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  2. Paint corn
    kernelcorny Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    If we, the U.S.A., had AMD or Intel Pentium World Wide Web computers in 1970, we would have won the war against communist North Vietnam and Hanoi. Instead, Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City.Where is your faith in GOD? GOD already has a pearl of great value which you seek so very much that you would sell everything you now have to own, (talk about paying debts).Do not cast pearls unto swine, says the Bible.

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  3. Self.portrait.600
    JimBrinkley Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    We are 20 minutes behind them.

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