Clay Bennett for June 15, 2015

  1. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  almost 9 years ago

    Yes, yes, make everyone pay for a procedure they find morally abhorrent. I thought we lived in America? “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson

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    braindead Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    You’d think that a group that found abortion so abhorrent (such as Republicans Fox “news” viewers) would want to encourage birth control.

    Unless, just maybe, their real objective is to punish people for SINNING. ===Keep them ignorant about birth control.Make abortion illegal.Shame that slut and make her keep the baby.Make both their lives as miserable as possible.

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    HabaneroBuck  almost 9 years ago

    Actually, that’s a very good point, and I would say yes to you. Americans are generally non-interventionist, and we need to remind our ruling class of that. A much better response to 9/11 would be immigration control, not random military operations with no clear objective.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Women’s access to care for their bodies should be just as easy, and covered, as men’s access to Viagra, or other “enhancements” to performance.

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    Jennifer Kendzior  almost 9 years ago

    I had to pay for my own. Abortion, that is, not war. With that I got to pay for someone else’s.

    Abortion laws are making it nearly impossible for poor women to get the access they need. If you have to drive 200 miles to the nearest abortion provider and either come back in three days or stay somewhere until the waiting period is over, that’s prohibitive. If you can be arrested for taking a pill because you can’t afford the surgical option, that’s prohibitive.

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    HabaneroBuck  almost 9 years ago

    Hillary wants to “expand access” to abortion by changing people’s religious opinions about the process. That is not at all an exaggeration of what she has already said in stump speeches. And, sure, no tax dollars go to “fund abortions”, even though 46% of Planned Parenthood’s funding comes from tax-dollars, and Planned Parenthood provides over 40% of the abortions committed in a year. Planned Parenthood falsely claims that only 3% of their services rendered are abortions, when abortion accounts for over 50% of their revenue! Expanded abortion access can only really mean making other people “pay for it,” one way or another.

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    lonecat  almost 9 years ago

    If you can figure out a way to fund government without making some people pay for things they don’t approve of, let me know.

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    jimguess  almost 9 years ago

    So true, so true … And you will be blasted by the left because they refuse to give the baby a chance to choose.

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    jimguess  almost 9 years ago

    It all boils down to this. Liberals that want abortions don’t believe the fetus is a human being with rights. Period.

    And, not ONE of them will definitively tell you exactly when the fetus becomes a human being with all the rights and privileges accorded by the Constitution. NOT ONE! They dance around the question and try to explain it away.

    As 1000 doctors who do not perform abortions. You will see that over 90% of them say the fetus is human from conception. So, what is the scientific evidence provided by the liberals to prove them wrong?

    … hear the crickets chirping?

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