Ted Rall for June 10, 2015

  1. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Gay ISIS will be so deeply in the closet. You will not know if they are gay or not.

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  2. Me 9 at darth b
    Mickey and Delia  almost 9 years ago

    Since the days of Monroe, when Americans buy property and thieves try to steal it, the US government has enforced the law, punishing those heinous thieves and restoring the property to its rightful American owners..If some thieves get themselves elected and try to nationalise American property, the US has the duty to respond. American property is American property and the right to seize it by eminent domain is only granted to the US government (or maybe to a US state government, but only if the Federal Courts agree)..Back in the ‘70s, John Perkins writes in his Confessions that he convinced Indonesia to take out a sovereign loan by saying the infrastructure built with the money would have a return of more than 20%. Then his bosses built ’infrastructure’ that didn’t actually work, but Indonesia owed the money and had to sell its resources to pay. Mines poisoned the water and people died. Farms were seized and converted to cash crops and people starved. All totally legal and proper, it was the Indonesians fault for defaulting on a sovereign debt..Many Imams in Saudi Arabia (and Osama) said the murderers must be punished, when all they’d done was collect what was owed them, and if people died from starvation or poisoned water, it was the poor people’s own fault, not that of those who poisoned the water and stopped farmers from growing food. But the Imams (and Osama) called those great businesspersons murderers and said they must be punished. They also said those murderers consisted of everyone in the World Trade Center (plus the Pentagon that enforced the thefts that killed innocent Muslims)..After 9/11, the US said every Muslim (except for the Saudis) was guilty, whether Arab or not, and every Arab (except Saudis) was guilty, whether Muslim or not, and the Sikhs were guilty for wearing turbans, since no reasonable person could distinguish them from terrorists. Unlike the Imams (and Osama) who called almost 3,000 innocents murderers, if the US leadership says someone is a terrorist, it is (using the definition of Thrasymachus) TRVE. So every single one of the million or so killed by the US in retaliation for 9/11 was 110% guilty of murder and terrorism, including the infants..But until recently, gays could only help in the great work of protecting American property and punishing terrorists if they didn’t ask and didn’t tell..Now, gays have every right to kill terrorists, including infants, as they should have had all along, and they’re free to tell everyone, as they should have been all along.

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    Ted, did you here that you can now travel freely to Cuba?Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!

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    Vlad Taltos  almost 9 years ago

    No, you don’t have to kill gay Muslims. ISIS has that covered.

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