Mike Luckovich for April 19, 2015

  1. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 9 years ago

    He did not bring the free speech of money instead he brought the free speech of mail. Arrest that man doesn’t he know money talks.

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Yes, both political parties are guilty of taking such monies. But everything in this real world is realative, and the Republicans have the perception of taking a whole lot more such. And, in the real world, perception is just about everything!

    Especially, as the Republicans seem to be proud of being called the party of business, management, and wealth, and not the party of ordinary workers. In fact, the ultra conservative tea party types, who seem to have taken at least some control of the Republican Party, call anybody that even stands up for the middle class workers in this country a “Communist”! Not seeming to even know that the greater middle class will eventually go over towards the so-called left wing, as a result of all of their extreamism. But, we will find out just how far this goes in 2016, now, will we not!!

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Good Grief! I see where “WiseOrator’s” good comment comes true already. A comment for which I am already very thankful! <p.

    And yuor comment would not have been even objectionable at all up until you showed such a lazy intent as to not be able to use proper English and call liberals, liberals instead of “Libs” . It IS this kind of thing that is making these comment boards so abrasive, so please stop it!

    As others have stated here, it is impossible to even actually keep track of the funds received by the Republicans as they are hidden in groups that are not even monitored by anybody. Nor by the relatively conservative Supreme Court, can they be monitored. And that is one of the areas where moderate liberals, indepedents, and even moderate conservatives, see the present Republican Party as the party that is most influenced by the wealthy in this country. And that is why your facts do not actually count. If you are going to go after such funding, then ALL such funding has to be counted, and that is not happening in the case of the Republicans. And possibly even in some cases to the Democrats also, but once again, it is the perception of moderate and interested voters that will determine the eventual outcome.

    The only way to solve this problem is to have ALL such funidng disclosed, and then see just who is getting and giving such funding. Is that even clear to you and other ultra conservatives here?

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    woodwork  about 9 years ago

    boy, did the kindergarten kids miss their nap today?

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    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The above discussion is a good encapsulation of both ‘sides’ of money in politics.>

    The so-called ‘libs’ believe that the amount of political contributions should be limited and should be open; open as in not secret. >

    The reason is that when politicians are elected, they owe allegiance to their donors and one else.>

    The so-called "conservatives/Fox “news” viewers are just fine with the current situation Their counter argument is that Democrats do it too and do it worse, citing selected statistics about contributions that are not secret.>

    The do not even attempt to argue that elected officials are not beholden to their donors and even seem to be proud of it. They also seem to be perfectly comfortable with the Koch Brothers selecting Republican candidates at the state and federal levels.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    vfwiffo: And during the same period, the Green Party stuck to their rule limiting money to $1,000 maximum and by real, live, human beings. That is why the Green Party may not be mentioned by any corporate medium and why their presidential candidates are arrested every four years for the “crime” of trying to attend the “presidential debate”. Give the running of those debates back to the League of Women Voters who know how to run them fairly.

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    “None so blind as him who will not see.”

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    lisak157 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Oh come now, we all know it’s not just the GOP that does that, the dems are whores just as badly just to different crowds…..like the climate change gang and terrorists and illegals…..ah yes, but I digress.

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