Joel Pett for April 20, 2015

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The so-called ‘libs’ believe that the amount of political contributions should be limited and should be in the open; open as in not secret. .The reason is that when politicians are elected, they owe allegiance to their donors and one else..The so-called "conservatives/Fox “news” viewers are just fine with the current situation. Their counter argument isn’t that big secret donations are bad, it’s that Democrats do it too and do it worse, citing selected statistics about contributions that are not secret..They do not even attempt to argue that elected officials are not beholden to their donors and even seem to be proud of it. They also seem to be perfectly comfortable with the Koch Brothers selecting Republican candidates at the state and federal levels.

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    vwdualnomand  about 9 years ago

    Everyone hates the taxman. The little guy gets screwed by taxes. But, the fat cats pay little or nothing. Gotta love loopholes. and, having 500+ changes in the tax code every year. Some filings are over 20000+ pages submitted, and they get a return.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I would really like to see a law that limited campaigning for the US congress or President be limited to no more than six months before an election. All contributions should be transparent and identify specific contributors and amounts instead of hiding behind “non-profit” super pacs. The super pacs and campaign funds should be subject to third party audits so we could see what is really going on.

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    ggward1  about 9 years ago

    I think we can all agree that the tax code needs to be simplified, especially in regard to business taxes. I say eliminate tax shelters, heavily fine those who use them and give healthy targeted job tax credits to companies that invest in American jobs and need those credits to do so. No more tax credits to companies like Big Oil. As far as personal taxes, the “Fair Tax” is anything but. As a percentage, taxes would go down on the uber-wealthy and up on the poor and what’s left of the middle class. The Estate Tax, which only hits the very wealthy, starting at something like $5 million dollars, would be gone. It is a myth that small businesses are dropping like flies because of the Estate Tax). The enforcement of taxes, since there would be no IRS, would fall to the states. Imagine some of these looney Tea Party governors in charge of asking their donors to pay taxes. We see in Kansas that almost no taxes = a state falling apart. Keep in mind that the current “Fair Tax” proposal was partially written by wacko radio host Neil Boortz. A strengthening of the progressive tax system is what is needed, not the “Fair” Tax scam

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  5. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    The “fair” tax is not fair. Read the entire proposal.

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  6. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    I see you have been fooled again.

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