Mike Luckovich for April 16, 2015

  1. 260493 10150222218578010 542938009 7222366 3346839 n
    tryoung71  about 9 years ago

    I worked in two fast food establishments on my way to the engineering field. They’re great stepping-stone jobs, but not intended for long-term employment unless you want to break into management.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Some comments are insane. 92 million is 25% of the US population. I guess you want all the kids hard at work in the fields like they do in third world countries. Financial requirements for "government handouts’ are quite strict. You would not like living with so little money. I suggest you volunteer at your local food pantry and get to know some of the people who are in need. You might not be so ignorant about it if you learn something.

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Ted Lind – I do work at the local food pantry, and free tutor math and science to kids who’s parents aren’t struggling to help them.

    The problem we face though is that many of those receiving subsidies are poor money managers and make bad decisions.

    I think we can all get on board with providing assistance to families when one or both parents lose a job and TEMPORARILY can’t support their family.

    But I don’t think I’m alone in being tired of seeing women who are on assistance getting pregnant again. My wife and I didn’t have children until we were sure we could afford them. Even after I was sure I still sweated the first few years wondering how we would afford the expenses.

    We made it work and raised three smart happy children but we didn’t expect the government to pay for their upkeep. We need these families that are receiving government subsidies to act responsibly.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    Newenglandah: Menial jobs are the only ones abundant since we have sent assembly lines to sweatshop nations and there are limited positions for pixil-pushers.

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    jonpeterson001  about 9 years ago

    Obama should be proud to own this economy (as you argue). Do you recall the state of the economy when he got the job? We were talking about nationalizing the banks, repeating the Great Depression, etc. The stock market has recovered, housing has recovered, the banks are stable, and unemployment is down.

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  6. 260493 10150222218578010 542938009 7222366 3346839 n
    tryoung71  about 9 years ago

    Well, sir (or ma’am, sorry if I made an assumption), I didn’t go to school. I learned everything on the job, and am currently a draftsman for Mirion (IST) Technologies where we design and manufacture radiation detectors. I have no degree, so I was “one of those people”, too. I didn’t want to stay where I was, and set my mind to do other things. I’m living proof that you don’t have to have an expensive college degree to make it in a career field dominated by people with degrees. I can comfortably pay my bills and until my home burned down in December, was living in a comfortable, AFFORDABLE home. I live within my means and make sure that I don’t spend beyond them. I know that I’m not the only one who can do this.

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  7. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Troy Young – Good for you!!! And well said. I do encourage you to not publish your location, your full name, or your employer on these blogs. There are some who would use that knowledge against you.

    The progressives tell us that working your way up out of poverty is impossible so I love to hear annecdotes like yours.

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  8.  drdennisbogdan
    Drbogdan  about 9 years ago

    FWIW – Some interesting facts? – According to Wikipedia, seems that John Paulson, hedgefund manager, makes $2.4 Million per hour ($4.9 Billion in 2011 divided by 2080 work-hours per year)? – Top 400 richest Americans now own 50% of the country’s wealth? – Over 60% of Forbes 400 inherited their circumstances? – All 19 of the top female billionaires inherited their fortunes? – if interested, my related published NYT comments are at the following => http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/26/opinion/krugman-the-one-percents-solution.html?comments#permid=380 – in any case – Enjoy! :) => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Drbogdan

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  9. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    Co’mon Harley! You’re baiting us too much here!I’ll only say that Obama INHERITED this stale economy. By the way; I don’t know if you read a reply I made to you a while ago, but I am now EMPLOYED! Even though mommy guvmint helped me for several months, I drained my savings for two years. But now, I am paying TAXES again! And, I dread the upcoming elections! (By the way; only ONE “m” in grumble)

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  10. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @WiseOrator – Yes, many businesses have shuttered because they can’t compete on a global market.

    The way I see it there are two solutions:1) We force Americans to buy products made in America by forcing an embargo thus raising the price for all Americans and lowering their cost of living.

    2) Those who were employed in those factories learn a new skill. The US government provides enormous sums to workers displaced and those funds should be used to improve their lot.

    You can’t unglobalize the economy. If all you know how to do is make buggy whips then you will be out of business very soon even if you can make the best buggy whip in the world.People need to keep up with the times.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Working at a pizza parlor in college, one of the other guys was working three jobs. He had to because an idiot judge awarded his ex-wife 175% of his former salary on one job alimony- there wasn’t even any child support invovled! Sometimes things aren’t what they may immediately seem.

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    DrDon1  about 9 years ago

    @NewenglandahA hearty ‘Amen’ to your comments!

    A concern of mine is that M. L. went way over the heads of the right wingers who deride his cartoons!

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  13. Aishwarya01
    rnrnetmails  about 9 years ago

    Sorry Harleyquinn, those numbers are wildly padded. Check here. In short, of that 90 million, 9 million are 16/17 year old high schoolers, 21 million are college students and 40 million are 65 and up, which means retirees. Yes, the 20 million are a large number themselves, but lets work on actual numbers and not wild shots.

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  14. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    Well, those lazy people need to drop out of school or retirement to take minimum wage jobs!Seriously, if all those republican businessmen would return their jobs to the US, a lot more people would be working. But as long as they require the highest possible profits, they’ll keep moving jobs to the cheapest workers and blame it on Obama. Oh, wait, Harley does that for them.

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